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Sunday, May 03, 2015

Baltimore ‘Mom of the Year’ Slaps Son For Joining Riots

Video of a Baltimore mother slapping her son amid the city’s violent protests is going viral, with the woman winning praise for attempting to keep him out of trouble during the unrest.

Rioting and looting engulfed the city Monday in response to the death of Freddie Gray, the 25-year-old man who died April 19 after suffering a significant spinal injury while in police custody.

The woman physically accosted her son as the protests went on around them, admonishing him for attempting to partake in the violent demonstrations.

“You want to be out here doing this?! Get the [expletive] over here! Get over here now!” she screamed, a local ABC news reported.

Police Commissioner Anthony Watts heaped praise on the woman, saying more parents should be as involved in their children’s lives, Mediaite reported Tuesday.



  1. amazing... a parent actually does something to control the behaviour of one of their children and she is 'mom of the year' WHAT????????? pitiful beyond words THAT IS WHAT PARENTS ARE SUPPOSED TO...... oh, lets call her a hero too

  2. She wins the riots, with a well-timed smack down and a perfectly focused sense of well-placed moral outrage.

    Perhaps non-traditional, but a role model nonetheless.

  3. yeah until someone calls social services for abuse or some crap...

    We all know how easy it is now for a passer-by to call and make false claims or real ones and wham-o another life ruined...

  4. here is the funny thing about this.. I agree with her, I am happy to see it happen. I wish other parents would do this.

    If there had been NO riot, the news would have been " Mother Arrested " for beating her kid...

    YOU CANT HAVE IT BOTH WAYS People! We either discipline or coddle. Abviously Coddle does not work!

    Liberal Hater.

  5. The majorty of thugs mom where out with there teens protesting.

  6. What an amazing story about that mom.
    Here's a couple more stories that the national news could cover:
    1. The man in Delaware that opened the door for the woman entering a 7-11 store,
    2. The driver that politely waved-in a car to merge on the highway,
    3. The parents that grounded their kid for talking back,
    I could go on.
    Hopefully one can sense the sarcasm here.
    That woman did NOTHING except the right thing - and she is on her third day of guest spots on national TV for doing that.
    This shows exactly what this country is coming to - and it's very sad.

  7. Very proud of this woman!! Agree this is what parents should do more of, when some of us were kids our parents would make us go get a switch so they could spank us with it and you had better get a nice size one too. After that happen to me a couple of times I didn't do what ever I got in trouble for again...

  8. Why is it okay for her to be slapping and hitting on her son, but other people go to jail for spanking their kids? I agree with what she did, but I don't understand the system!!

    1. Because she is black and on Tv.

  9. Agreed 9:34! When kids learn to behave because of this kind of discipline, they stay out of trouble as they grow up!

  10. I had to do that switch deal a couple of times too, however, that switch on your behind does not feel very good so it didn't take long for me to learn. Parents out there today, try it, it really does work.

  11. Today, Child Protective Services is investigating her for abuse! The ADA is looking at filing charges for assault. The ACLU is filing charges against her for violating his right to protest.
    That is how it really goes today, you can't raise your kids like we were brought up!

  12. I saw an interview with her the other night.

    Single mother of 6 - she raised this boy and he hung out with thugs. Now we want to give her a medal.

    My kids would never have been there in the first place.

  13. You people are unbelievable. One half decent story comes out of this and literally not one commenter has something good to say. So petty.

  14. 10:47, you must not have read all the comments.

  15. 6 kids no father go figure.

  16. She didn't beat a little child. He was a teenager as big as she is. If that's how she has to control him in that situation, it's appropriate. If he gets involved with a gang, he could get beaten a lot worse. Better to take it from mom.


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