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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Schools In California to halt school suspensions for willful defiance

Mouthing off in class or failing to follow a teacher’s instructions will no longer lead to suspension in Oakland schools, a ban that will be phased in and be fully in effect just over a year from now, the school board unanimously decided Wednesday night.

Oakland Unified will become one of a handful of California school districts that restrict suspensions to more serious offenses and eliminate the punishment for willful defiance — a broad category of misbehavior that includes minor offenses such as refusing to take a hat off or ignoring teacher requests to stop texting and more severe incidents like swearing at a teacher or storming out of class. San Francisco and Los Angeles are also among those districts.

The state already bans suspension for willful defiance from kindergarten through third grade, and Oakland’s decision extends it through high school. The new policy, which goes into full effect July 1, 2016, also bans expulsions and the practice of involuntary transfers — moving students from one school to another — for willful defiance infractions.



  1. Of course it's too much to expect students to follow directions, do a little work and refrain from cursing teachers. Hey, if the kids won't follow rules, just get rid of the consequences. This is public schools' response to high suspension rate among minority students. When the kids become adults, I'm sure they'll respect authority just as much as they do now.

  2. "Manhood development classes" how sad that the parents allow the state to take over.

  3. Good idea, huh?
    Teach developing minds that failing to follow directions, rules, and behave civilly is okay.
    Next stop? A prison cell.
    Or a grave.
    What teacher would want to teach in an environment like that?
    What society wants those people in their midst?
    It cannot be stopped and is inevitable.
    Get ready.

  4. What a shame. How in the Hell do they expect a teacher to teach?The problem with students today is lack of discipline. None at home and not allowed in schools.

  5. I tell my students all the time: "You do know this isn't how the real world works, right?"

    1. I know you probably do but they just don't care. They know there'll be a handout so why bother.
      Thanks for your efforts, I'm sure you have some great students and I'm sorry you have to waste your time on these ingrates.

  6. how about getting them out of schools and just start sending them their welfare checks, its inevitable anyway. plus they can start picking out their lucky numbers at an early age

  7. If I were a parent of a (non-troubled youth) student in that school district, I'd be filing a lawsuit for the willful defiance of my child's civil right to an education. Where is the ACLU, to support the students who wish to exercise their liberty to learn, become educated and make something of themselves?

    Sure, the new policies "work" in that they make the number of reported incidents go down. If the kids aren't willing or able to control their own behavior, there is a problem with those kids, not some kind of imaginary "racism".

    I'm really leaning toward segregation after all this. Not necessarily black and white segregation, but segregating out the ones who simply will not accept the free education we're practically begging them to take.

    I can't imagine there's going to be much of an applicant pool to choose from, for Oakland teaching positions. I'm sure plenty of teachers will change their minds about the profession, trading in their classrooms for private sector jobs. All they'll get will be the incompetent, poor quality teachers as the better ones flee.

  8. Im a teacher here in Wicomico county and they already do that here. They dont say it but they do. We (us teachers) have given up trying to keep the peace. The administration has totally given up on the dress code and dealing with unruly "students". The troublemakers can pretty much do as they want.

  9. Very bad move to make.
    7:16pm- you only have fast Freddy and the unions to thank for all your troubles.

  10. Yep. We wonder why society is the way it is. The greatest generation-the brave men and women who fought against tyranny and unjust behaviors- are rolling over in their graves. What have kids done for society that they are allowed to be blatantly disrespectful to adults? 10 year old kids walking around with the "You can't do anything to me" attitude. School systems across America are in such trouble.

  11. Will teach a great way to talk to the police, and the judges.
    I am going into casket sales, as this will bring in a lot of business.

  12. If they do not learn respect somewhere they are in for trouble as they get older. Let's just let everyone do what they want. Get rid of all the laws and rules everywhere!

  13. We don't want it to look like minority kids don't behave in school. Since we can't control them, we ignore what they're doing. Sickening.

  14. And they want to split Delmar and make my kids go to WiHi. I don't think so.

  15. And you wonder why private schools are thriving?! And you wonder why ACLU doesn't intervene?
    They are a big part of the problem!


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