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Saturday, May 30, 2015

Police Body Cameras Pilot Program To Start In December

The Baltimore city police commissioner offered some additional information to city council members about the police body camera program.

The Baltimore Sun reports that Commissioner Batts said the pilot program will start by December 1st. The pilot program is expected to involve 100 police officers wearing body cameras.



  1. Great! I assume the videos will be available to the media so that the world can see the new #1 (in crime) City behaves.

  2. Police academy enrollment is declining.Gee,duh,I wonder why?

  3. To catch thugs being thugs and the cops still won't do anything.

  4. It's not that they won't, they can't, not without having every word and move scrutinized and second guessed.

    I wonder, how long will it take before they claim body cameras are "racist" because of all the black criminals they help catch?

  5. They only work if you turn them on fellas.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It's not that they won't, they can't, not without having every word and move scrutinized and second guessed.

    I wonder, how long will it take before they claim body cameras are "racist" because of all the black criminals they help catch?

    May 30, 2015 at 4:07 PM

    As well as their moves SHOULD be scrutinized. It's called oversight and accountability. Foreign words and ideas to kops I know but very much needed.

  7. I have not seen any slow down of traffic enforcement. they still getting that revenue for the state. boo freakin hoo


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