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Saturday, May 30, 2015

'Lucy' may not be our mum, say scientists

In 1974, anthropologists in Ethiopia found the astonishing fossilised remains of a human-like creature who last walked the planet some 3.2 million years ago.

Was "Lucy," as the hominid was called, the direct ancestor of Homo sapiens? Was she "The Mother of Mankind," as some headlines claimed?

Over the years, the dramatic assertion has come under attack by doubters, who point to ancient yet inconclusive finds in Kenya and Chad.

But a new fossil, reported on Wednesday, may have dealt Lucy's claimed status an irreversible blow.



  1. God created Adam and Eve, all the creatures on the earth, all the fish in the sea, all the fowl of the earth, every creepy, crawly thing, the heavens and the earth. Period.

  2. The Holy Bible was written to keep idiots like this in check.

  3. Science is highly overrated. Don't let facts get in the way of a good storybook.

  4. Hey 10:46;
    Were the grandchildren of Adam & Eve the offspring of Adam & Eve's children?

  5. Lots of inbreeding going on....no wonder we have so many genetic problems.

  6. Darwinism is BS!
    There is more evidence against it, that's been covered up by mainstream science, then there is for it. In fact, there's more evidence that aliens created humans from already evolving primates here on earth then there is for Darwin's theory.


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