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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Op-Ed: ​Controversial US Military Exercise Stokes Fears of Martial Law

(IsraelNationalNews) For over a decade, the United States has conducted a stealth experiment in stealth war-fighting, with profound consequences for its military strategy and self-governance.

Since 9/11, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Pentagon's Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) have become parallel spying and war-fighting machines that operate around the globe.

Technologically advanced quick-strike night raids in hot battlefields such as Iraq and Afghanistan, targeted killings in Yemen and spy operations in Iran would become JSOC trademark.

In contrast, the CIA had "more expansive authorities" due to its specialty in running covert actions that the government does not acknowledge publicly.

This summer, the US Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) will conduct an unprecedented multi-state exercise “to train US Special Operations Forces to further strengthen their working relationship for future deployments and to respond to an international crisis".

From July 15 to Sept. 15, about 1,200 special operations personnel will be involved and move covertly among the public. They will use military equipment to travel between seven Southwestern states from Texas to California.

Code-named Jade Helm 15, the operation is a covert, off-base military training exercise in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, California, and Nevada.

USASOC has conducted multistate training exercises before, but Jade Helm 15 will become the largest training operation done by the US military in response to what it calls the evolving nature of warfare.

On a map released by USASOC to show the fictitious battlefield of the Jade Helm 15 training exercise, Texas, Utah and California are labeled as “hostile” states.

More here

1 comment:

  1. There is so much more worthy of consideration. I travel more than most and have personally witnessed that for the past several years military vehicles have been moving in convoys in areas not typically known for it. Locally, military air traffic has increased over the past two years drastically. Includng military air exercises that can be witnessed from Mardela, Hebron, and Salisbury. Salisbury airport has been used for blackhawk landings recently and C130 exercises for years. The old Juvenile Boot Camp was used by the National Guard for a while when their Salisbury building was being rebuilt but now it is common for people to see military activity still going on there. What are they preparing for? ISIS? Economic collapse?There are many groups of patriots across this country who are prior military and civilian alike who are organized to defend the homeland. They are everywhere - including here on the Eastern Shore. The government refers to them as extremists and spread negative propaganda about them. But these groups are prepared to defend the nation agains the threat of all enemies, foriegn and domestic. They look at the American Flag with great pride. With love for their country and their fellow American - but with fear of their goverment. They see the writing on the wall. They do not let government propaganda cloud their view of what they see happening in front of their faces. They may be our neighbors, our friends, or our family members. They may be doctors, lawyers, carpenters, welders, farmers, mechanics, or they may have no job at all. We should all get to know these people and do what we can to be a part of an effort that may be called upon to defend our country, our way of life, our constitution. We may or may not be physically able to carry out exercises but we can offer support. Food, shelter, medical care, for those who are capable and willing to fight to preserve the freedoms and liberties which have been the cornerstones of the United States of America for almost 250 years. Some may consider this comment as extreme or ridiculous but open your eyes. The things I've listed are going on. The possibility of a terrorist attack by ISIS locally is a reality. The government knows it. YOU know it. What ever it is we need to be prepared for we have to be prepared for NOW. If ISIS attacks locally it will be too late. If the government implements martial law due to economic collapse it will be too late. Even the boy scouts knew it 50 years ago - be prepared.

    An American Patriot


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