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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Governor Hogan Meeting Some Of The Horses At The Preekness Stables

Meeting some of the horses this morning at the Preakness Stables!
Posted by Larry Hogan on Saturday, May 16, 2015
This man never stops. I don't think he has had a day off since before he was elected!


  1. This is the man we needed actions not talk, had my vote still does.

  2. This is what happens when you have someone who knows what it takes to turn a large business around. Boots on the ground, and hold people accountable.

  3. He has a lot of work turning the progressive policies around the democrats put in place.

  4. Maybe Obama should take some lessons from our Governor and work for a change instead of hanging out at the golf course or going on vacation more time than any President I have seen. Wish we had a President like Hogan as Obama is totally 100 percent worthless!

  5. He said one horse that had it's back to him, reminded him of Obama!

  6. Is going to the Preakness really considered "working"?

  7. 7:48
    He is there as the Governor of Maryland. So I would say yes that is working. Sitting home on a weekend would be a day off.


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