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Friday, May 15, 2015

O'Malley to Announce Presidential Plans on May 30

Martin O'Malley plans to announce his presidential intentions on May 30 in Baltimore, a move that could present another Democratic challenger to Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The former Maryland governor will hold a conference call with top supporters on Thursday night to discuss his plans for the announcement in his adopted hometown, where he served as mayor, an O'Malley aide said Thursday. The aide spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal planning and was not authorized to speak publicly.

O'Malley, who completed his second term as governor earlier this year, has been considering a potential challenge to Clinton, the leading Democratic contender, and made repeated trips to the early voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. He has cast himself as a champion of progressive causes during his time as governor and appealed to liberal voters within the party who are hesitant to support Clinton.



  1. Thanks Joe for leaving Owe Malley's picture OFF.
    The one I saw on Drudge was disgusting.

  2. I surely hope that anyone even considering this far left demagogue as President will research what he did to Baltimore and Maryland first.

  3. If it's Marty and the HildaBeast splitting the dumbocrat party - that's OK! She's already got a global reputation - his hasn't been published yet...

    Meanwhile, we need to get our $#!t together and unify around one candidate quickly - to get the momentum going. If the Republicans continue to put up more candidates - none of them will win! Then we'll be stuck with at least four more years of socialist, satanistic, and immoral decline!

  4. Mr. We don't care, Mr. irrelevant. Another Al Sharpton. Just like Al, no one respects or pays attention to you. O'Malley you are a clown, a loser, and a self promoting arrogant man. Reality check NOBODY LIKES YOU!!!!

  5. People for Peace...ahhhhhMay 15, 2015 at 1:54 PM

    O'Malley and Hillary in 2016


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