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Friday, May 15, 2015

In Stunning U-Turn, NBC Retracts Story That Obama Lied About bin Laden

It would appear someone at NBC News got a rather large tap on the shoulder. In what isa stunning reversal of their confirmation that President Obama lied and lying about the killing of bin Laden,NBC News has updated their original story - that "two intelligence sources tell NBC News that the year before the U.S. raid that killed Osama bin Laden, a 'walk in' asset from Pakistani intelligence told the CIA where the most wanted man in the world was hiding" - to this - "Sources say that while the asset provided information vital to the hunt for bin Laden, he was not the source of his whereabouts." As Slate concludes,while NBC’s story doesn’t use the word correction or retraction, that’s what this appears to be.

Since we discussed the details of the original NBC News 'confirmation' story here...

...the Obama administration has spent the last 24 hours working to discredit the story. Pentagon spokesman Col. Steve Warren said the report from Hersh was “largely a fabrication” with “too many inaccuracies.”

The White House says the Hersh’s investigation is riddled with inaccuracies.



  1. Or perhaps the story was utter BS from the start.

  2. 1053- yeah uh huh...sure...disinfo troll

  3. The reporters got a call from the IRS, told they were going to be audited if they didn't retract the story.


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