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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Obama presidential library to be built on Chicago's South Side

CHICAGO (AP) - President Barack Obama has decided to build his presidential library on the South Side of Chicago, where his political career began.

The Barack Obama Foundation announced in a news release early Tuesday that the library will be erected on park land that was proposed by the University of Chicago. The site was selected over bids made by Columbia University in New York, the University of Hawaii and the University of Illinois at Chicago.

"With a library and a foundation on the South Side of Chicago, not only will we be able to encourage and affect change locally, but what we can also do is to attract the world to Chicago." Obama said in a video accompanying the release. "All the strands of my life came together and I really became a man when I moved to Chicago. That's where I was able to apply that early idealism to try to work in communities in public service. That's where I met my wife. That's where my children were born."



  1. That figures. That's where Al Capone got his start as well.

  2. at least you know it won't be looted during a riot. Full of books ...

  3. Hopefully when that city erupts in riots they burn it to the ground.

  4. That's where you should have stayed!

  5. HE BEEE MY MAN...He gives me a FEE CEll Phone YO

  6. I can't imagine anything important or worth while would be there. Maybe pictures of all their vacations.

  7. That's where his radical church instructed him as well.

  8. Go Back and stay there.

  9. it will have a nice in door putting green


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