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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Defense Bill Would Put 100,000 Untraceable Guns On Streets

WASHINGTON -- Psst. Want an untraceable gun? Courtesy of Congress and the U.S. military?

That may soon be possible thanks to a provision tacked onto this year's National Defense Authorization Act, which the House of Representatives is set to pass this week.

The provision was added as an amendment during a late-night session at the end of last month during which the legislation authorizing the nation's military activities for 2016 was drafted.

According to a white paper prepared for Congress by the Army opposing the amendment, the measure would allow the unregulated distribution of up to 100,000 Colt .45s, more formally known as .45-caliber semiautomatic M1911 handguns.

The provision, added by Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), changes parts of federal rules that were meant to boost rifle skills in the country under a program dating back to Teddy Roosevelt. Under existing law, which was updated in 1996, the Department of Defense makes surplus military rifles available to the public through something known as the Civilian Marksmanship Program, which has a regional headquarters in Rogers' state.

Rogers' amendment would change language in the law that specifies certain rifles allowed in the program to include the much broader category of "firearms."



  1. Where do I sign up?

  2. I'll take 1 or 2

  3. its tougher to get one form CMP than a dealer.

    this article is liberal BS

  4. I can just go down to Church street and buy one for $150. bucks, no questions asked.

  5. Why are they untraceable?
    They still have serial numbers.

  6. 4:29 Always remember... 1 is none, 2 is one, 3 is 2... etc etc. Never go with one of anything, only exception is women, because who could stand that?

  7. I would guess that over 50,000,000
    guns are untraceable with an estimated 100,000,000 in the U.S..

  8. Hmmmm... 100,000 is a drop in the bucket to what's out there, LOL!

  9. Bring Half to my house please!!!

  10. Great. While dumb ass libitards want to take our guns..... Its nice to know some politicians are still fighting for our gun rights.

  11. All guns should be unregistered.

    Simple as that. And who's carrying? Everybody who wants to is fine, concealed or open.

    Why it got to where all law abiders are victims is beyond me.

  12. If you think that the average 'Joe or Jane Citizen' is going to end up with one of these then, to put it politely, you're wrong.
    All 100K of these already have homes, and it ain't in the gun safe of regular people.


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