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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

NY Times: Don’t Blame Obama For Not Fixing Race Relations

NY Times columnist Charles Blow is Very Upset that people, especially Rush Limbaugh, are criticizing Michelle Obama

Of Museums and Racial Relics

Recently, Rush Limbaugh lambasted the first lady, Michelle Obama, for bringing up the idea of diversity among museum visitors at the opening of the new Whitney Museum in New York.

According to Limbaugh, the first lady said: “Museums and concert halls just don’t welcome nonwhite visitors — especially children — the way they welcome white people.”

What the first lady actually said was:

“You see, there are so many kids in this country who look at places like museums and concert halls and other cultural centers and they think to themselves, well, that’s not a place for me, for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood. In fact, I guarantee you that right now, there are kids living less than a mile from here who would never in a million years dream that they would be welcome in this museum.”

Blow goes on to write

And, the first lady was right. A 2010 report by the Center for the Future of Museums (an initiative of the American Association of Museums) found that:

“African-Americans and Latinos have notably lower rates of museum attendance than white Americans. Why is that so? In part, it is the legacy of historic discrimination. A summary study of S.P.P.A. [Survey of Public Participation in the Arts] data from the 1980s on white and black attendance at arts events concluded that the measurable difference in participation could be tied to ‘subtle forms of exclusion.’ ”



  1. They have the same opportunity as anyone else. If they choose not to visit a museum or theater, that is their problem. It's not Whitey's fault they don't go! I am getting sick and tired of everything being the white man's fault! Maybe they need to start looking to themselves to fix their problems. No other races seem to have these problems!

  2. 3:18 then they would actually have to do something

  3. One can see the aristocratic mentality of the writer when he/she fails to mention the COST of visiting a museum.That segment of our society is completely out of touch with the segment they're writing about.Their view of the arts in general and complete bewilderment as to why poor people don't patronize such is an insult.Duh

  4. SCREW the president his wife holder lynch,Cnn msnbc sharpscum.

  5. Funny there graduating college but blaming the MAN ???

  6. I'm not so sure about that 3:32 because a lot of museums in cities don't charge-Smithsonian in DC, Walters Art Museum in Baltimore City and more admission is free.

  7. Any black person who accomplished anything that was considered a great accomplishment is recognized in museums. Museums were not formed to recognize color, only accomplishments. She is a racist pos.

  8. The 1st. lady, give me a break, that bitch is no more of a lady them the Salisbury Mayor.

  9. The president has a unique opportunity to speak to the race issue. I hope he takes advantage of it.

  10. As I heard today; this is the true totally racist "first lady". Her inner reverend Wright is surfacing. They both are going for broke in the last year or so and their legacy will be just that. Total racist frauds and liars propped up by the fools in the media. Clint Eastwood was spot on.

  11. Ha ha ha ha! I see you all have gotten your talking points from Anne Coulter and FOX News. You should read what Larry Flynt has to say about Anne Coulter (it's nothing nice). The guy publishes smut and he's a better commentator on American politics than she is.

  12. LBJ started the race hating problems from the get go.


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