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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Senate Democrats block Obama trade proposal

Senate Democrats deal a setback to President Obama, rejecting a proposal that would expand the president's powers to negotiate a comprehensive trade package.



  1. AWESOME bring back AMERICA NOW.

  2. Call 202-224-3121 and tell your REP thanks!!!

  3. It's a big show, blah, blah, blah for 3 days then cave with GOP right behind. This is just to make it look like they cared.

  4. Maybe so 4:08 but reeling him in on the fast track is prudent

  5. Anyone who votes for TTP should not return to office.

  6. "Several Democrats later said Obama erred by pointedly criticizing Warren, most recently in an interview with Yahoo News. Democratic senators said they also are tired of seeing the Democratic president cozy up to Republicans on trade."

    I don't know why they're surprised. The President is pretty much a neo-con in deed if not words.

  7. ""What we just saw here is pretty shocking," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said, accusing congressional Democrats of standing with "special interests.""
    No, Senator, it's YOU who is aligning with special interests, pal. You and the whole of the GOP are selling out your country and people. You would handcuff this country and it's people to the avarice and greed of these multinational corporations all for the almighty dollars they are paying you.
    Mitch, you're a sickening POS., I can't say it any clearer then that. What about you Andy? You're conspicuously silent....

  8. Now impeach the lying Muslim sack of Sh&+!

  9. Finally the Democrats did something I can agree with! These trade deals have been bad over all for everyone except for corporations!

  10. NAFTA is a lesson we should all learn from. Give it away again, NO WAY. What did we get in return from NAFTA? Let's stand up for ourselves for a change. Protect American interests first!


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