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Sunday, May 24, 2015

"Man Cusses Out Cop For Profiling Him In Auburn, AL"


  1. Profiling is legal!

  2. Cops can profile. The courts say so.

    1. No court has ever said its on for police to randomly pull people over for being black.

  3. Why does this driver need to start out so obtuse before the officer can say one word?

    1. Did you listen? The cops has been following him around for some time.

  4. Think he has a chip on his shoulder? What a nice polite citizen. I wonder if he talks like that to all his white friends? Oh wait, I doubt he has any. Professional victim!

  5. he no doubt has a long criminal record with an attitude like that.

    1. I have the same attitude and never been arrested. I'm tired of police. Speeding and flying up my ass on the roads. Get to a light roll the window down and interrupt their phone convos that are so funny to be given an attitude. Go to their offices and receive the same. Married cops flirting with girls in these local mom n pop shops telling their stories sickens me. They laugh about their wrongs and think its OK because a "bad" got locked up. Saw one state trooper with his kid in the car telling his buddies they were on the way to the aquarium in Baltimore in his police car. Cops abuse that badge to much. Its a problem everyone is seeing now.

  6. Lol like I said lets get this party started

  7. The driver is the one robbing houses guaranteed.

    1. Cause he is black? How do you come to any other conclusion?

  8. 12:59 Oh well you seem to be around a lot of cops for some reason and in their business. I would bet you are a holster sniffer. Dont hate the player hate the game.

    Oh yea this guy is definately a criminal. Explain his behavior use youe liberal little peanut brain

  9. I agree with 142 you goys dont see the issue with the guy the cop stopped. I dont act that way and I hope you dont. If you do you are rude scum or your mommas did not raise you right. Sorry how about officer I saw you behind me what is this all about ?? I bet the cop would tell you.

    You ghetto rats are all the same

    1. If a cop followed you for mikes on end and pulled you for break ins and not even having a description of a perp , you wouldn't be upset?

  10. Its the most common excuse for cops to justify illegally engaging you. We had a break in or you match the description or your car does. Soon it will be I'm pulling you over to see your papers. Smdh.


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