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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Colburn leaves Federalsburg town manager position

FEDERALSBURG — Richard Colburn, Federalsburg’s first full-time town manager, has stepped down after 24 years on the job.

Colburn’s last day was Sunday, May 10. He said he resigned in order to pursue other opportunities, which he is not yet able to disclose.

Colburn said he personally gave Mayor Bill Beall and each member of the town council a copy of his resignation letter and a handshake during an April 20 workshop, and has offered to help the town find his successor.

“I am grateful I got the chance to get into government at the municipal level,” Colburn said in a phone interview. “That’s where it begins.”



  1. New Hebron President ?

  2. Another professional politician who doesn't know how to do anything else. Richard Colburn always promoted Richard Colburn!

  3. Like a bad penny, it always shows up! Time for you to move on. If you had worked in the private sector, you would have fired long ago for being ineffective!

  4. Good riddance Richard.

  5. I can tell you this Richard Colburn was more popular on the entire Eastern Shore than you think. He got screwed over in his own District because of his own buddy who used to be a Delegate. What a friend to stab you in the back.

    She's toast the next election.

  6. Anonymous said...
    Good riddance Richard.

    May 13, 2015 at 3:14 PM

    The same person is making these silly comments over and over again!

  7. Don't let the door hit you in back! Go back to the grocery store business and start earning it honestly!!

  8. Try not to have any affairs on your way out the door, Rich.


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