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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

10 Signs That Your Child Is Spoiled

Spoil me rotten! They say you can't spoil a baby with endless amounts of holding, rocking, and cooing, but once that child passes the toddler years, overindulgence can make for one ill-behaved tot. It's easy to pick out the spoiled kid on the playground but much harder to turn a critical eye on ourselves. Here's a checklist of 10 signs that indicate that you may have a spoiled child on your hands.



  1. Another sign - mommy picks them up in a minivan from the bus stop 100 yards from their house everyday.

  2. 3:11 PM - I used to think the same thing but in todays' world, the childs' safety is a real concern.

  3. Feel free to let me know how many children have been abducted in Wicomico county by someone other than a relative in the past 10 years. 24 hour news media and government propaganda have made everyone scared of their own shadows. I see if daily. Developments with 5-10 vehicles lined up at the entrance when the bus comes. Almost every home in the development can be seen from the entrance. Here is an idea, have 1 parent take turns waiting at the entrance to make sure the children are not "abducted" while walking to their house?

    1. As if it is anyone's business how one gets one's children home safely. Also, it is almost impossible to measure prevented crime, so there is really no way of knowing how many child abductions were prevented just by the fact that parents were waiting at the bus stop.

  4. Better safe then sorry---With what's going on these days you
    cannot afford to be the least
    bit careless.

  5. Just saying it is a sign of a bunch of spoiled children.....no one wants your spoiled brats.

  6. Who asked about prevented crimes? How many actual abductions by someone that is not a relative/family member? Since there probably have not been any in years in Wicomico county, use all counties on the eastern shore. Stranger child abductions are very rare. Unreasonable fear instilled by watching to much TV.

  7. In his book Protecting the Gift, child-safety expert Gavin De Becker pointed out that compared to a stranger kidnapping, “ child is vastly more likely to have a heart attack, and child heart attacks are so rare that most parents (correctly) never even consider the risk.”


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