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Sunday, May 31, 2015

Can You Help SPD ID This Person?

Hancock Fabric has also been robbed again. This is the second time in less than a week. Det/Ofc invest robbery at Hancock Fabrics..susp is wht/m 5’5, medium build, pony tail, black pants, gray top.


  1. Must be making curtains....

  2. Nice photos from Dollar! This shouldn't take long!


  3. I wouldnt help SPD piss in a pot. Those morons can't help themselves. I'm damn sure not going to help them.

  4. Why doesn't someone identify the SPD officer who has his Chevrolet pickup jacked up in violation of the law. I just rode by there and it is parked in the parking lot. How does it sit there in the parking lot of a police department and no one says anything to him about it?

    1. Brandon Caton..total jerk wad

  5. You Can't Help Those that can't help themselves. Just look at Brandon Caton. He is the head of the Gestapo. Jack booted thug.

  6. What was he armed with? A 20oz coke?

  7. what law in the officer's truck breaking? And be specific.

    1. Altered suspension, bumber height, protruding protuberance, just about anything in title 22 of the Maryland motor vehicle laws.

    2. It's Brandon Caton. he was the designated K9 officer but couldn't handle the job so he was relieved of that. Since then they just keep trying to find a place he can be half way useful

  8. The people that suffer are the local businesses and of course customers in the store when this mess happens.

  9. 7:02 it is bumper height. Maryland has a safety law on it.

  10. Altered suspension, you can throw a rock and hot 30 vehicles with altered suspension...or altered exhaust...really. Find something new to complain about tonight on this memorial day.

  11. didn't REALIZE you and Brandon were close

  12. so you measured the bumper height? creepy obsessed stalker.

  13. I have been in the fabric store when a man has entered and looked around and then left. I figured he was casing the place. It is really bad when you can't even go to purchase fabric in this town. I will not go there anymore....it isn't worth it.

  14. 9:08. Great logic. Just because you can "throw a rock and hit 30 vehicles with altered suspensions" doesn't make it right for a law enforcement officer to break the law that he is sworn to uphold and enforce. It's called accountability. Something there is little to none of in the SPD. Do you even know why there is a law regarding altered suspensions and bumper heights? Have you ever seen what an elevated bumper does to the "other" vehicle in a crash sequence? It places the bumper an a level that will impact the passenger compartment of another vehicle which results in fatalities to other drivers where, if unaltered, it would not encroach the passenger compartment. Also, raising the bumper/altering the suspension increases the propensity for a vehicle to "roll over" . Again, it's easy for the uneducated to sit back and attempt to justify someone breaking the law by saying "everyone does it" but is that how you want to justify a police officer breaking the law. Is that the example you would like him to set? By your convoluted reasoning, there have been two armed robberies at Hancock. Since "everyone" is robbing stores, it's OK for the police to go ahead and do it too. Ridiculous. The chief doesn't address it because she has no clue about Maryland motor vehicle law. It's really that simple.

  15. As well as YOU do not have a clue about motor vehicle law and COMAR.

  16. Really, those shorts should give him away!


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