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Sunday, May 10, 2015

A Viewer Writes: Traffic Hazard!

This homeless guy is stopping traffic at Route 13 and Zion Road begging for money. He has been there almost every day this week and the police just ride by and allow him to do it. As you can see a vehicle in the northbound fast lane stops in the middle of the road to give this guy some money and another car almost ran in the back of her. Why isn't any the Police Departments doing something about it?


  1. Bc the police chief is on permanent vacation.

  2. As the economy worsens, I believe you are going to see more and more of this. Welcome to the ObamaNation!!!

    1. These peeps are con artists.

  3. Does anyone know what happened to Nick Parks?

  4. Why don't you? I've arranged for a cab that's prr paid to take the people to a pretty paid hotel room. Only refundable to me. I have it set up with certain managers. I can only help with a day or two. And I leave detergent for them as well with enough coin to wash n dry a load. I can say I've helped three people with my actions. But those three out of a hundred or so was worth it to me. That's three folks with family in their lives to help and working off the streets. And the ones who I didn't help know help is there. Know some folks care. You should try it some time.

  5. water balloons are the perfect handout to give them on the way by.

  6. They are not homeless.

  7. This is not a good area to stop traffic!Even more so when 5pm hits. Always a traffic jam.

  8. WCBOE is hiring

  9. she's so liberal that she would allow it to happen all over the place--she's such a freakin loser...

    I can't wait til we get a new Mayor and she gets fired the same day

  10. They have made these people at the intersections move on their way...do not give money. One guy that is always at the pets mart north has a car that he parks and walks to the median strip. They think they r sneaky....i have seen it with my own eyes.

  11. So we need the police now huh? If you take the same picture with a cop out there making them leave then the comments would be "police harassment", or better yet, "don't they have anything better to do"? Make up your minds for crying out loud!!!

  12. 3:12 I would like to set up one of those motel stay for the woman, and me!

  13. This is what you fools voted for, now eat it up. It's only going to get worse with Ireton, Day, Shields, Mitchell and their like running the show. You reap what you sow.

  14. Keep in mind that area is COUNTY, not city, so it's not in Salisbury Police's jurisdiction. You'd have to have a sheriff's deputy or state police to do the stop.

  15. Sorry the sheriff is getting ready to do his fox gig.

  16. because police are busy running 200 calls a day with 8 guys on the road.

  17. Isn't this Nick Parks & the girlfriend, same ones there all the time?

  18. This is in the City Limits, Nimrod 5:59. Learn to read a map.

  19. It does not matter whether city or county. MSP/WCSD have jurisdiction in the Bury too. Any of them could run the beggars off if it didn't interfere with writing tickets to the working people who have no option but to pay up.

  20. I think Nick Parks spends his winters in Florida.He should be back soon.

  21. Nick Parks spends his winters in Aruba, spending all that hard earned money folks gave him for his trip.

  22. The female in this picture is named Angela Walker.. she is an alcoholic that has no desire to do anything except drink and cause trouble... I know her well unfortunately. I wouldn't give her or her bf any money if my life depended on it. She has been stabbed several times in the homeless camp. She has a tendency to get drunk and pull a knife on ppl threatening them. I'm quite surprised she is still alive actually.

  23. there not homeless, they have a refridgerator for the beer there purchasing with your hand out money salisbury , ive seen the short lil scragly lady carring bags of 24oz beers down zion road torward northwood drive.... many times... stop paying for alcoholics lazyness salisbury, were not sorry for them

  24. 3:12
    Good to know people like you exist.


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