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Sunday, May 24, 2015

A Viewer Writes: I walked out of the Service for Sr's at parkside HS

Seems the school feels it proper for Muslim prayers in Arabic and then in English. Followed by a Muslim from UMES to go into an Arabic prayer and explain whats its like to be a good Muslim. How the wife is for you to take care of. How she can not have friends unless its OK with her man.

This is what Parkside HS has come to? If thats the case take ALL religion out of schools and do away with prayer totally.


  1. Heckle them. Cant wait to see them try that in 2018. Id be leaving in handcuffs. EFF THAT !!

  2. That's insane time to overthrow the BOE.

  3. Muslims are not welcome here.

  4. Please tell me you're joking. Disgusting. The Principal should be disciplined for allowing this.


  6. What happened to seperation of church (religon) and state, since when did islam become a non- religion or exempt from such rules? Every christian should have got up and walked out with their children!

  7. This is the reason other people have fought so hard to take religion out of school. Christian prayers are just as senseless to others as you have found all this Muslin stuff

    1. Christian teachings are no comparison to what these Iman are teaching in their twisted outdated interpretation of the Koran. The christian churches have gone through several reformations in attempts to right the wrongs while muslams want to go by outdated and moded practices...'kill all who don't aceept Islam" PERIOD!

    2. I agree...there should be no religion

    3. Don't start with this religious superiority crap. All religions are problematic because they all introduce irrational ideology. Emotion based thought is problematic..

  8. This is the United states of America if you do not believe in the lords prayer then pack your stuff and go back to your own country!

    1. Knock it off. You just make yourself look foolish.

  9. I find this injection of Muslim beliefs into our school system to be completely offensive and totally uncalled for.
    this needs to stop !

  10. WHY wont a christian stand up and praise Christianity?

    1. Seriously? Get ALL the religion out of the schools.

  11. You cannot be serious! Did this crap really happen?

  12. You poked the Dr. Freddy bear and he is biting back!

  13. FIRE the principle if Christians cant speak neither should he.

  14. Was Dr Fredrickson aware of this? Did he approve this? He only worries about MONEY to spend. Could care less about the education and curriculum and what is taught to our children.

  15. This has to be a joke. No way this would be allowed to happen.

  16. I hear they're now having a discussion for the students and this person/s . they can have a sit down . no parents allowed! Wtf!

    1. No parents? Well...I am the grandparent of a child who, unless we can somehow come up with private school tuition, would be headed for Parkside. I think he needs a translator, and that might as well be me.

    2. Of course because they can control the kids. Educators have an over active control complex.

  17. Is this for real? This is America and if our teachers, principals and board of education does not realize that, it's time for them all to go! This is unbelievable that this is happening in my hometown. So glad we moved away years ago to another state. Time for more parents to start homeschooling!

  18. My kid says they're going to have a meeting with these people do answer questions students have and follow up. I'd like to attend but was told by my kid parents can't come. Ive called the school but can't get a return call.

  19. This was a prayer service. like it or not our schools have students with faith other than Christian. Get over yourselves, your comments are more like ISIS than American.

    1. No prayer service was necessary, of any franchise.

    2. Yes!! AGREED

  20. My son boycotted this on Sunday at Bennett just because of this. Didn't want to be a part of the politics and BS! My church will have its own service in honor of it's graduates.

  21. Unbelievable. This is why schools must be totally secular. You want YOUR kids to have religion, then YOU teach them your brand, at home. Because if you keep demanding little encroachments of religion in schools, Islamists will demand encroachments too...until it's a full fledged infestation.

    No religion in schools means NO ISLAM can infect it. Anything Christians demand, you can bet Islamists will demand the more of it...and guess which ones will win, because it's the nature of their ideology to infiltrate then corrupt from within.

    There is no room for even a nickel's worth of Islam in our schools, and if you keep demanding your Christian dime in there, they'll be throwing what's left of your pennies at you when they stone you.

    Islam = cunning and dangerous.
    Christianity = naive' and mostly harmless.

    Religion in schools = Islam in schools.
    No religion in schools = no Islam in schools.

    You cannot keep out Islam by letting in Chrisitanity. It slithers in like a poisonous, malignant tentacle.

  22. what many of you fail to understand that the baccalaureate program is nondenominational. It is put on by students and parents and has nothing to do with the school. More than one religion was used. Please have the facts before you start spewing racist remarks. When I was class adviser I had the students choice the clergy to speak. Don't make this more than it is. We do have Muslim students in school as well as Jewish students and Christians.

    1. There shouls be ZERO religion only the pledge of allegiance.

    2. No! The service is held in the school
      Paid for by our tax dollars. No religious service of any nature should be permitted.

  23. They are in our country not theirs and we have the custom of saying the Lords prayer ONLY! At ceremonies if they want their prayers do it before you leave your house, just another example of no respect for Americans.


  25. This is what you Christians get for your incessant whining about how God and prayer aren't allowed in public schools. If you allow one religion, you have to allow them all.

  26. Don't elect the same people for the BOE next time!

    Opps.. I forgot. Mathias prevented the change to an elected BOE.

  27. So true 2:49, Christians like to play victim but don't realize that what protects them also protects Islam.

  28. Exactly. And they are very good at playing the "freedom of Islam" card. Look what's happened to Great Britain.

  29. Pull your children out and homeschool or send to private schools. That's the best way to protect your children from the government's nonsense in what they allow and don't allow in public schools. Why would you want them dictating to your children like that anyway? Disgusting!

  30. Christians do not kill those who disagree with them. Christians do not kill those who make cartoons offensive to them.

    Islam is not a religion it is a form of Government. Muslims are all treasonous as they all demand the end of our Government with the replacement of Sharia Law.

    Islam means submission. It suppresses all who disagree by violence into submission. Even fellow Muslims who disagree. In the end it will kill all on earth.

    Islam has no place in any free society.

    1. Put your tin foil hat back on and get your meds refilled

  31. This crap has been going on all through out the US and most readers on here have not been aware until it has happened here. Everyone better wake up because Islam is not peaceful, Islam want's all non Islamists dead and the war is knocking at our doors. So open your eyes and get ready.

  32. I am sure no one is doing anything about it. If my child went there I would be at Frederickson's door. Parents and teachers must speak up. Don't assume someone else will do it for you. Get involved now!

  33. Amen 4:02 Salisbury's, or rather da bury's biggest problem is apathy. We could stop this decent into Hell by organizing and making life uncomfortable for the perps.

  34. People who equate Islam with other religions are willfully ignorant. There is simply no comparison. In this century, only Muslims are still slaughtering thousands in the name of their religion. All other religions practice a restrained co-existence. And it isn't 'racism' or 'religious bigotry' - it is simple math. Until the religion, as a whole, comes out of the 12th century and practices a peaceful co-existence with others, Islam should be excluded from ceremonies like this one.

  35. PART of the OBAMA plan people.

  36. Totally agree with 2:23. No religious expression at all in schools. Although I have to say, there is some overlap between the treatment of women in Islam and in some really strict Evangelical Christian denominations. Personally, I don't want my children exposed to either.

  37. The author of this post failed to say that this was "Baccalaureate" service. The schools have always had these religious services for the seniors. Years ago when I was in school (the 80's), there weren't any Muslims there, but since there are now, they have to include all religions. Seems like religion should be inclusive of everyone, not excluding others. Every religion thinks theirs is the "right" one and all the others are wrong.

  38. Fire the unchristian staff because their islamic intentions appear to be crystal clear and obvious! This school and BOE is insulting the majority of us in the most inappropriate manner. Maybe someone should stand up and in a very loud voice recite he Lord's Prayer. Betcha we would be stopped because this staff lacks courage of conviction and are basically cowards just like our BOE! Have we finally had enough????

  39. UNACCEPTABLE !!!!!!!!

  40. The students CHOSE the speakers at the student-run baccalaureate service. They CHOSE to have speakers from many different faiths. This is what the graduating seniors wanted.

  41. Fire the unchristian staff 6:24? Should we send them to re-education camps too?

    1. 6:24 makes my point about irrational religion. All religions are dangerous. Look at history and the number of wars over religious ideology. Religion was created by rulers (government) to help maintain control over the govered.

  42. Stop deflecting 7:30 it just hurts your liberal cause. This religion is murdering entire cities and destroying historic Christian buildings they are currently attempting to kill every Christian they can. So why would we embrace this action od barbarianism in our free society. God Bless America. Time to put my children in private non secular schools.

    Children can study what they want in college. They pay for it. I am not paying taxes for my children to learn any doctrine involving religion that is for myself and my family to decide.

    There needs to be a public forum someone crossed a very serious line. The ban FCA the fellowship of Christian athletes but allow this bs.

  43. This is a perfect example of the highly intelligent school board and their decisions. This was yesterday's post under remark by Mark Twain.

    How terrible, how stupid, and what the hell is wrong with that school? As a taxpayer, I'm not supporting this kind of nonsense being taught in any public school I have to pay taxes for.

  44. 4:00 has never heard of the Crusades.

    1. And you have obviously never heard of the reason for the Crusades: to stop Muslim aggression, and the expansion of their so-called "global caliphate". History repeats itself.

      If it weren't for the Crusades, the Islamists would have continued their brutal northern expansion, and Europe would have fallen into their hands. They were stopped at Turkey.

      Christianity is spread by word of mouth, but Islam is spread by the sword...by their own admission.

  45. I doubt that 939 pm reads or has a kindle or nook but please download the book "Sharia Law for Non Muslims" by Bill Warner.

    I have, then I even crosschecked it with the book called the Koran.

    You people have NO idea how dangerous Muslims are.

  46. I doubt that 939 pm reads or has a kindle or nook but please download the book "Sharia Law for Non Muslims" by Bill Warner.

    I have, then I even crosschecked it with the book called the Koran.

    You people have NO idea how dangerous Muslims are.

  47. In the 1950's when prayer was allowed in school to the Christian God we didnt have all the chaos and disorderly mess we have today. Muslims follow Muhammad who was a pedophile. The Quran teaches that they must kill others who don't believe as they do. Why in the world would you want that religion at the school baccalaureate service. It seems to me we were better off praying to the real God of Christianity. Whether you think He is real or not, in death you'll find out.

    1. In death it's lights out. There is no tunnel or any other nonsense.

    2. 5:18, you are guessing. You really have no clue if that's true now do you? Personally I'd rather believe and be wrong, than not believe and be wrong.

  48. You can't fire Frederickson, only the Governor can or the non elected board. Who killed an elected school board in Wicomico? Jim Mathias that's who. PS- What has Andy Harris or ANY republican done to stop or even slow the taxpayer paid relocation of Muslims like the boston bomber into the us?

    Na and Da

  49. 9:39 you compare ancient self protection from invading Muslims to current Muslims decapitating Christians for being Christian.

    How is that the same? Guess you think we should just lie down and die.

    In Iraq it is also Muslims killing Muslims. In the end Muslims would kill all on earth. They must be annihilated for self protection. Or isolated in Dictatorships like was the case after WW2.

    Islam allows no peace at all.

  50. I saw the writing on the wall and enrolled my child in a private Christian school this past year....and although its a struggle to pay tuition sometimes,like everything else,you get what you pay for.There is absolutely no real discipline in public schools now thanks to Obama and Holder and they get too entwined into the students personal life,like they are little brownshirts for the liberal regime.Did any of you know that some public schools give out awards to kids for not getting sent to the office? Positive reinforcement,my ass!The government schools will get progressively worse and eventually more parents will abandon them and only then will they be left trying to prop up a school system that has failed miserably.

  51. So we have a parkside kid who threatens to kill Christians, Susan Parker didnt write about that in the daily times did she? Now we have more muslim dhimmitude by Frederickson. Thanks teachers union and commie boe staff for helping progressives destroy the country, will any of those scum read any of Warner's book? Don't know what dhimmitude is? Read the book ignorant teacher and admin, educate instead of indoctrinate.

  52. The last I heard we are at war with Muslims! During World War II we were at war with the German and Japanesse and most are all were put in camps to detain them until after the war. We should be demanding the same here today just as our forefathers did. It's time to take back this country from the liberals who thinks we live in playland. Get tough or get killed the choice is yours as terriost cells keep growing in the good old US of A. Show your patriotism and start boycotting movies from liberal Hollywood. They keep hoping the USA continues to be in a daze. Don't wait until its too late.

  53. I went to parkside, graduated in 89. I dont remember any prayer services that i took a vote on or that i sat in on. If i did it was probably what i was used to and thats the Lord's Prayer.
    That being said, my great grandparents grew up in a time that created bigotry in their heart and to some extent my grandparents too. I however, as most of you, have great friends who are of a different color. Why? because generations change. Let our kids do what kids do. Teach us that they dont have to have bigotry in their hearts. They can forgive because they don't have to remember. Its called change and its a good thing. Be proud that our communities children arent bigots. There is a lot of hate on here. I am saddened to be from this community. The world is a big place, most of you need to spend some time elsewhere.

    1. And, your naive generation will bring in the destruction of the United States of America.

  54. Anon 8:17 Wisdom, but we have tried that several times. I have served two tours of duty and have seen first hand what these people are capable of. This isn't the minority, I am referring to the majority. I have been all over the world. Change is a good thing if you can rid those who want to kill innocent women and children. They are taught to hate Americans and have bigotry in their heart from birth. That's what you don't understand. This is a war that is coming to the homeland. Politicians don't want you to know the seriousness of this hostility. As someone stated Americans please wake up. What the hell does it take.

  55. Keep ALL religion out of our schools. PERIOD.

  56. Its funny that people claim Christians havent committed mass murder or genocide for ages. You guys are so one sided its sad really. Now correct me if I wrong. But I believe some Christians in our not so distant past killed tons. WWII or Hitler ring a bell.

    You claim this is not their country. Islam has no place here. Like it or not. Its as much their country as it is yours and mine.

    1. Christianity is just as guilty as all the other religionS. So many ignorant Christians need to read up on the factual history of the role of Christianty in history

  57. @9:05 I served 20 years in the military and retired. I too know first hand.... that for everyone one carrying a gun there are 100s who aren't. Ask yourself is violence really the answer? or does violence, incite more violence? Let the kids do THEIR thing... going into someones home and demanding them change isnt the same thing as our children showing their children that "we respect you" - 8:17

  58. 11:52 Hitler was an atheist. Does that make all athesit killers.

    1. You are critically ignorant of history

  59. 2:04 Of course not.

    But the prisons are full of the devoutly religious, who want to share their love of their deity with anyone who will listen. Not many atheists in there.

    Wonder why that is.

  60. Look on the bright side. Maybe the muslims will run off the gays.

  61. @2:04 pm

    In fact, the Nazis WERE Christian. One of the ways to convince a population to treat Jews as they did was blaming them for killing Christ. The nazi army belt buckles contained Christian iconography. Nazi Germany was very friendly with the Catholic Church and visa versa. There was no official declaration of Atheism at any time.

    Either way, it's a bad argument. It's like saying "the majority of the prison populations in America are Christian. The prison population is less than one percent atheist. Ipso facto, Christians are overwhelmingly bad citizens and criminals while Atheists reflect the best in morals in society per capita.

    While the numbers may be true, correlation does not make causation.

    1. The Nazi's had alot of good ideas. Hitler perverted the ideology. It makes sense that different cultures should be geographically seperate.

  62. Joe they is stealing your ideas for Mayor about the water park. I saw it in a newspaper front page called Independent.

  63. Did they ask any other religions to have a prayer moment?

  64. Is everyone paying attention?

    I hope so. This is why government must remain secular.

    I don't differentiate between all of your myths, and I don't play the no true scottsman either.

    Christians, you need to un-youknowwhat yourselves and get on the secular bandwagon. You argued for this kinda crazy and it's time for you to wake up and smell the coffee.

    It's not so cool when it's not your brand is it? Quit drinking the cool aid and let's do something to protect our republic and our freedoms/liberties.

  65. ALL religion out of schools and do away with prayer totally.

    Now you get it!

  66. "In fact, the Nazis WERE Christian." No, they were not. They were actually occultists.

    "The nazi army belt buckles contained Christian iconography." There was no 'nazi army', unless you mean the SS. And their paraphernalia most definitely did not contain Christian iconography.

  67. @5:20

    In fact the GERMAN NAZI army's belt buckles all said "God with us" on them. Iconography was a poor choice description, but if you say that makes them not Christian, then tell me about our "Christian nation" with in God we trust on our money?

    Also, the Germans were Christian, and mighty friendly with the Vatican and the Catholic Church, which was reciprocated by the pope.

    lets try and stay away from the no true Scottsman arguments. They are invalid arguments and hold no value.

  68. 7:23...my compliments in a very rational response to an uninformed statement

  69. Lots of wars and deaths due to religion! Is our religion superior to another?

    1. In short. ..No religion is superior to any other. They are all founded in "faith" aka irrational, emotionally based ideology.

  70. @11:37

    That's Pascals Wager, and it has been debunked as logically flawed, and an invalid argument.

    One doesn't choose to believe anything. They either do or don't. Here's an example, try choosing to believe the sky is yellow and paislied. You can't. That's how it works.

    Let's pretend there is a deity that knows everything, including what one believes. No matter how hard you pretend to believe, if it's not in your heart,you are doomed right?

    Pascals Wager fails every time.

  71. I went to Parkside in the mid-1980s and we had a Bac. service then, too. Just as then, it is NOT a school-sponsored activity, but one hosted by the students that is completely voluntary to end. Each of the four high schools in Wicomico County has had one every year for decades.

    And just to clarify, there was a Jewish rabbi who opened the service with remarks, and a Christian pastor who had as much (if not more) time than the Islamic professor from UMES to close the ceremony. There were readings from the Bible and the singing of at least one hymn.

    There are a significant number of Muslims in our public schools. To include an Islamic speaker seemed appropriate.

    To those who want to close off our country to any religion but their own, you know who else preaches that?

    The Taliban.


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