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Monday, April 27, 2015

Who Caused This Accident?


  1. Tail gator...depending on the speed limit...i don't care if I am in the fast lane...if I am doing the speed limit and someone is riding my ass ...i am not taking a chance and getting a ticket. Against the law to pass driver on shoulder to the left.

  2. The guy in the Chevy with the tail light out. Aggressive driving all the way, from the moment he came up on the right of the pickup truck and tried to squeeze into the slot to the inside maneuver that chain reacted the three of them.
    I'd say that the pickup truck driver was being a bit of a pain to not pull into the right lane to let Testosterone Boy pass on the left, but it's still TB's fault.

  3. 2 idiots caused the wreck with the biggest idiot driving the camaro. Feel sorry for the truck driver.

  4. Camaro for tailgating and aggressive driving...

  5. both cause they acted like children! shame they didn't kill each other the rest of us would be safer!

  6. The pickup, or better known as Mr. Side by Side has no business blocking traffic and playing games out there. You want to slow Mr. Speedy down? Pull up and get in the right lane and let him go ahead and get YOUR ticket! You will see him soon enough either pulled over by police or wrapped around a tree. Wave as you go by. You want to make sure it happens? Call 911 on him.

    The 18 wheeler drivers don't need your antics. You almost caused his death out there.

  7. Bring your redneck lane blocking to Baltimore area and we will school you!

  8. I think all three were responsible. Camaro is extremely aggressive, super duty doesn't like it and decides to block the lane, truck sees what's happening and doesn't react during the minute it goes on. The camaro is a total moron for trying to pass in the grassy left shoulder. Could have easily passed the truck using the right shoulder.

  9. 10:56....you selfish, holier then thou dumb ace.
    The work van damn sure knew he was screwing with the Camaro. Did it on purpose!
    The truck driver had NO responsibility here -- he was in the right lane and didn't have to do anything.
    Deliberately slowing up to BLOCK a driver in the left lane is ALSO "aggressive driving".
    All you goofs who leave Salisbury to go to Dover and immediately get in the fast lane (and stay there, no matter how much traffic backs up behind you) and further, NEVER look in your rear view, are the REAL problems on the road.
    Sounds like you, 10:56.....

  10. pick up. per the maryland driver's handbook, "slower traffic should keep to the right." IMO, the camaro shouldve spun out the pick up instead.


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