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Monday, April 27, 2015

Black Supremacy Rally in Charlotte - "All White people WILL be Slaves."


  1. pretty much are now. we work and they sit around!

  2. Seems to me that there was someone posting to this board that blacks were not racists. By definition, COULD not be racists. Well, take a look at these goofballs, sweetie.

  3. These people are the most racist and idiotic to think this up. They are stuck in the civil war Era not that any of them went to school.

  4. In their feeble minds..

  5. White America will wake up one day.

  6. Replies
    1. Yeah you little 13% 85% is going to Stomp you.

  7. 5:33 Now that's funny and so true.

  8. Black people are not in control of anything so they cant deny you of anything , however you and your racist Government have denied Black people still they were forced here to these shores. Your idiotic comments only show what DEVIL'S you really are.


  9. These guys are in error because they reference the bible.If they would throw the bible in the trash they could really get somewhere.The bible is a lie from hell and white devils brainwashed the World.

  10. 841- get outta here with that. It was over 200 years ago. And just so your ignorant brain knows, your own people SOLD you to us. your people were slaves in your own country already. Every race has had or currently has slaves. Stop feeding to all the crap you are told and do some research your self. Or is some white person preventing you from that?

  11. Well, what do you expect them to say? They are black supremacists after all.

  12. I'm making sure I have plenty of ammo and guns let them try and slave me

  13. 8:41 is so wrapped up in their "everything is whitey's fault", she fails to mention that white people died by the thousands so black people could be free. White people elected the first black president.
    White people work and pay taxes so millions of single mothers who have never had a job in their life except to produce more kids she can't afford can get the EARNED (??) Income Credik tax refund that's hundreds, if not thousands, more than the people who actually WORKED get.
    When you decide to start making white people "slaves", you may want to consider the fact that millions of us have multiple guns and can put a round in your left eye at 200 yards.
    Come to my house first.


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