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Tuesday, April 07, 2015

The Average Ticket Price Of A Baseball Game Sees Steepest Increase In Six Years

Taking yourself out to the ball game is getting pricer this season, with the average ticket price to attend a Major League Baseball game rising by 3.3% to $28.94, the sharpest increase the league has seen in six years.

According to Team Marketing Report’s annual Fan Cost Index [PDF], that makes a 4.4% increase since 2013, after staying flat in 2012, reports the Chicago Tribune.

Fans of the Boston Red Sox will feel the most pain, with an average ticket costing $52.34. That’s the same price as last year, however, so that could serve as some sort of relief for fans watching their wallets. The New York Yankees’ prices stayed flat as well, with an average price again of $51.55.



  1. and you must go through a metal detector to get into all stadiums. No thanks!

  2. Who can afford to go to a major league game then. Once you purchase the ticket, you will need to have a hot dog, a soda, popcorn, whatever else then there is always the concession area where you need to buy a hat, shirt or something. Goodness how do families afford to do this?

  3. what reason has been given for this outrageous pricing? players can't afford life's luxuries?

  4. They can have it! With the cost of parking, ticket prices and food, plus the security checks, its no longer a pleasant experience. They have priced me out of the market. I can do better things with the little spending money I have. Middle class and poor families will suffer the most.

  5. If I miss 8 games, I'll have enough to get a new 40" TV to watch the games on!

  6. Go see the Shorebirds and watch the O's on tv.

  7. Why anyone would pay to watch baseball is beyond me. The most boring game ever. Real men play contact sports. And to think they take steroids..... for what? So they can stay awake? Play a real sport.

  8. Lol 8:39 have you ever been to a NFL football game? The most boring thing I've ever seen in my life. Four plays, commercial pause, two plays, commercial pause, three plays, commercial pause. Real sport indeed.

  9. They can make a ticket $500 for all I care. Ain't going no place that requires a metal detector, always packing.

  10. Reminds me of going to a movie & then investing in pop corn and a soft drink.

  11. why dont everyone here get a real job so you can afford americas greatest sport

  12. So instead of 1500 fans in the bleachers each paying $20 they will now have 1000 fans paying $30

    Keep raising the prices. Soon there will be no one going to the game.


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