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Tuesday, April 07, 2015

American Solar Gone Wild

A new program will train service members and veterans to enter the solar workforce. The departments of Energy and Defense launched the Solar Ready Vets program at 10 military bases. 

Service members will learn how to install solar panels, connect electricity to the grid and comply with local building codes. The program builds on Energy's SunShot Initiative, which partners with community colleges to train students for solar careers. 

The White House said the solar industry added jobs at 10 times the rate of the rest of the economy. Energy wants to train 75,000 people to enter the solar workforce by 2020.


  1. Wind and solar are only around because of the massive subsidies, take those away and these jobs go away. When will the government, you cannot buy jobs, they must be spawned by the free market.

  2. Good arrest now lets wait and see if he will prosecuted.

  3. Now they need to add the incentives to the installation costs - to drive the demand up...then you'll have a program that will benefit multiple people in many different ways!

  4. They don't need to add anything or get any sugar from the Gov. People who can do simple maths, know that by the time you pay for the panel and get the energy net savings, it makes no sense. The only real solution for real savings has been around for 3o years, it below ground geo thermal. Funny it was just not cool to push something that was already there. BTW, the gov mandated at up to 20% of energy used at US Military bases convert to alternative energy. Makes sense that they would have the solders do the labor. The real money is in the materials, and for that, you can still use your approved (Preferred) solar vendor. PS - where are all of the movie stars, academia, and others in the elite class not fully doing the solar? Because they want and must have guaranteed energy always.


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