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Thursday, April 09, 2015

SPD Calls For Service 4-7-15

1 comment:

  1. Dear Joe,

    Everyone who lives in the Camden Avenue/North and Middle Blvds area should be aware that serious crimes are being committed and they should be very careful at night. Tonight I received a text message from a close friend who told me to be careful at night because her sister's boyfriend was held up at gunpoint almost across the street from my house. Not long after he met a young guy who had been beaten and robbed at gunpoint just 20 minutes before her boyfriend was held up. The criminals were hiding in the bushes and jumped him.
    This is so concerning as a resident of the area. No one wants to fear for their safety in their own neighborhood. I just thought I would pass the information on so residents are aware. Tonight, for the first time I put my handgun next to my bed.
    The crime in Salisbury is out of control and it is a damn shame what Salisbury is turning into. There are good people and good families in this area of Camden and the citizen's deserve a safe, crime free way of life especially for what we pay to live in this once nice historic area of the city.


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