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Thursday, April 09, 2015

Iowa trial to weigh whether wife was able to consent to sex

DES MOINES, Iowa — When Henry and Donna Lou Rayhons married seven years ago in their northern Iowa hometown, it was a second chance at love for the devoted couple, both previously widowed. But their domestic routine of church activities and political functions unraveled as Donna's health began to fail.

Last year, the 78-year-old woman was moved into a nursing home, suffering from dementia and Alzheimers. According to Henry Rayhon's family, this was decided by her daughters from a previous marriage. Conflict developed over how to care for Donna Lou Rayhons, culminating in a meeting in which staff told Henry Rayhons that his wife was no longer mentally capable of legally consenting to have sex.

State prosecutors say Henry Rayhons — a long-serving state lawmaker — ignored that message. On Wednesday, he will stand trial for sexually assaulting his wife, who died last August. The charges were filed days after she died.



  1. What a waste of public resources...some of these prosecutors ought to be horse whipped!

  2. Who is the victim here?

  3. What the hell??

    I guess I better write up a "living will" that specifies that should I become gorked regardless of age, my husband is welcome to take indecent liberties with me.


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