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Wednesday, April 01, 2015

New Daily Show host Trevor Noah accused of anti-Semitism in tweets

Twitter users are accusing Trevor Noah, Jon Stewart's successor, of antisemitism for comments made about Jews in tweets dating back to 2009.

The South African comedian, who is little-known in the United States, rocketed to national fame on Monday after he was named the new host of The Daily Show.

But the excitement and curiosity was tinged by a slew of people calling on the 31-year-old - who is a quarter Jewish - to apologize for 'offensive' comments.

In May last year, Noah, a contributor to The Daily Show, tweeted: 'Behind every successful Rap Billionaire is a double as rich Jewish man. #BeatsByDreidel.'



  1. Obamas son.half white half black.FOOL.

  2. Um, he's an effing COMEDIAN! Comedians make fun of all ethnicity without discrimination! IT'S THEIR JOB DESCRIPTION!!!!!.

    God, sometimes the Liberal left needs a reality check, and other times, a bullet to the head would work better.m

    Their depth of ignorance amazes me.

  3. I did not realize that anyone actually watched that show.Being offended is proof that we are alive,because dead people cannot be offended.Maybe a dead gay Jewish black white fat skinny tall or short person would be offended,who knows? That covers one third of the world population.


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