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Wednesday, April 01, 2015

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 4-1-15

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post " Exclusive Shocking Information About Your Wicomico...":

the food service manager that was escorted off of wcboe property is being reinstated to her old position. does this show a cover-up or what. guess too much flak was generated by this blog. thx joe for publishing these comments it woke some county residents up.


  1. Way cool, and way incriminating! "Gee, I'm guilty, so I'd better cover my a$$..."

    It's time to do something about John Frederickson.

  2. Just remember people you don't have to have child in school to complain about school board issues it is your tax dollars that support them and the schools! Glad the lunch lady is back they also need to pay her for the time off from work...and then some!

  3. If it was me personally, I would most definitely have bought a law suit to the WCBOE before I took my job back. People need to be help accountable for their actions. If the WCBOE won't hold themselves accountable then somebody needs to.

    1. She was never terminated. She was on administrative leave with pay pending an investigation. This is called due process. If no investigation had been done you all would have condemned the boe. One was done you are condemning the boe. Which way do you want it? From the start of this accusations of termination was incorrect and whoever fed this to you didn't bother to bring that to light. Shame on them.

  4. I'm glad they reinstated her, and has returned to work. Just because she's at the bottom of the pile doesn't mean she should be sh!t on by the BOE.

  5. so, Wicomico County (BOE) to be named defendant in another lawsuit?

  6. Someone should file a FOI request to get the amount of money spent on legal expenses by the current administration at the board of education.


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