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Sunday, April 26, 2015

JUST IN: Protests are building tonight in Baltimore

Protests are building tonight in Baltimore, Maryland over the death of Freddie Gray, a man who suffered a fatal...
Posted by The Kelly File on Tuesday, April 21, 2015


  1. This is bs the video shows the perp standing walking into the police van Dont commit a crime dont get jacked up.

    1. Really? Its in to be beat to death? It shows him walk into the van. Its what happens later or in the van. I hope you have a relative that dies in the hands of police. You'll understand. And don't give me my family don't commit crimes crap. Police don't need a reason anymore. They make the rules up as they go along.

    2. Um.......no they don't. More often than not the cause of death is cardiac arrest after the suspect swallows a large amount of drugs as the police pull up. The police often don't know and the suspect isn't going to tell. Let's all wait and see what the autopsy shows before jumping to conclusions. Remember boys and girls, in America we're innocent until proven guilty. That goes for the police too.

    3. Wrong. It shows a man being drag to the van. The man legs were not moving. And, he couldn't even hold his head up. One could see he was extreme pain. Further, it took three people to place him in the van. Don't some of you get.
      It. Cop's in this country have gone way over board in brutality. They will get what they deserve.

  2. So its thug rule now ?

  3. What a bunch of ingrates..I blame the dems for the lack of jobs.

    1. I blame the lack of interest in jobs.

  4. They ought to be protesting here in Salisbury. 2 stabbings in a week. But we know-Black Lives ONLY Matter When They Can Attach an Agenda To Them.

    1. Protesting in their own damn neighborhoods, that is. They can't keep themselves under control, and blame everyone else for trying to keep their criminal behavior in control.

  5. Professional victims.

  6. Stop Lying 9:12. This the the problem with you people-you lie constantly. It's one of many of your major character flaws. He was not "beat to death" so stop lying.
    This is why you can't be taken seriously because of the lies you all constantly tell. The autopsy showed not one sign of trauma other than the spine at the neck being almost severed. If he were "beat to death" you liar he would have trauma all around his head and neck. Now go away and only come back when you decide to stop being a liar.

  7. Black Lives Matter? To whom?
    "Over 53% of the nation's homicides were committed by the ~ 3% of the population who were Black males between the ages of 15-30."
    FBI in 2012 found that of the 2,648 black murder victims and 2,412 were killed by fellow blacks. That is 2,412 blacks killed by other blacks, which are treated with indifference.

  8. from what I watched, he was DRAGGED to the van. a female voice can even be heard screaming ' why you dragging him like that'. I guess some people see what they want to see.

  9. Stop Lying 9:12. This the the problem with you people-you lie constantly. It's one of many of your major character flaws

    Are you saying he is a kop?

  10. Anonymous said...
    Really? Its in to be beat to death? It shows him walk into the van. Its what happens later or in the van. I hope you have a relative that dies in the hands of police. You'll understand. And don't give me my family don't commit crimes crap. Police don't need a reason anymore. They make the rules up as they go along.

    April 21, 2015 at 9:12 PM

    The reason you don't sign your name is because we can easily find your criminal background and understand why you hate cops so much. They were only doing their jobs when they got busted for your crime. Don't get mad at them, get mad at yourself for doing something stupid and getting caught.

    1. I saw what happens when names get posted. Why not put your name up officer? For the same reason? People could find out how many citizens you've hurt? Or use your posts on here about its OK to hurt perps against you? The fact is my name doesn't matter. Can't you see? Even the people on the shore are getting fed up. The police voice is a whisper here anymore. And as I said before. I have been arrested and all charges dropped. And the judge gave the cop and ruark one hell of an ass chewing for their actions. Over zealous police. Cops on steroids and former military " I'm a killer bad ass syndrome " plagues our police forces.

  11. yeah we all know it's unfortunate that some blacks commit crimes so do some whites and so do some kops! kinda like watching the mafia wars. Us regular folks just try to stay out of their way!

  12. lot of b.s . from you people.

  13. The word on the streets is that some bro's are mad because they wanted to kill him and the police got him first....and now they want to loot / burn /steal and commit more crimes and when they are locked up for it ...be even more protests.
    Anyone that follows my posts. Know I am NOT a fan of the police but there is limits and it comes down to not commit the crime and u have nothing to worry about...

    1. Mack....are you crazy? Don't commit the crime...... That's for a jury to decide. Innocent until proven guilty!

  14. You can learn a lot from MD Judiciary Case Search and not just a person's criminal history.
    It appears as though Freddie was the recipient of a structured settlement and the court had been petitioned so he could "sell" the settlement to one of those JG Wentworth type of places. Freddie failed to appear for the hearing-case dismissed.
    One of the parties to the suit was Taxi Management.
    In the court action medical and dental records were introduced.
    It could be that Freddie had a previous injury that wasn't healed or had healed improperly or went undetected and manifested itself during the arrest or at some other time during the course of his arrest or during transport.
    It's not common but not unheard of for someone to suffer a severe spinal injury and walk around with little or no symptoms for awhile. When this happens without immediate medical intervention it can take one "false move" to become paralyzed. This is why with certain injuries EMS will place a person on a backboard even though movement is still present.

    1. Is it uncommon for three cops to hold a man in a headlock while cuffed and drag his ass into a van? This isn't an injury claim. This is death. No insurance company here to claim pre existing injury. This is a matter of police brutality and unnecessary use of force!

    2. Wow, that puts a whole spin on things. There's always "the rest of the story" that both sides fight tooth and nail to have suppressed.

      Which in my opinion, is the very definition of "injustice". The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth should be solely responsible for the outcome. And no amount of "protesting" should make a damn bit of difference.

  15. I am guessing someone snapped his neck like a chicken bone. Maybe he fell during the ride to central booking. He was cuffed in the back of the wagon. Just maybe they had to hit the brakes and he fell in the back.

    My question is if Black lives matter why are Blacks killing one another daily. Thousands of black on black murders every year. Yet no Jessie and no Al the Rat.

    Blacks are the biggest hypocrites in society today. They are also the biggest racist. I am so over the whining and entitlement. They are setting race relations back fifty year with all the b.s.

  16. The reason you don't sign your name is because we can easily find your criminal background and understand why you hate cops so much. They were only doing their jobs when they got busted for your crime. Don't get mad at them, get mad at yourself for doing something stupid and getting caught.

    April 22, 2015 at 1:26 AM

    is that why you won't post your name?

  17. "Anonymous said...
    Wrong. It shows a man being drag to the van. The man legs were not moving. And, he couldn't even hold his head up. One could see he was extreme pain. Further, it took three people to place him in the van. Don't some of you get.
    It. Cop's in this country have gone way over board in brutality. They will get what they deserve.

    April 22, 2015 at 8:47 AM"

    Huh? The video doesn't show how the injury occurred. Being dragged didn't cause the injury which was in his neck. That injury is cause by the neck being hyper-extended. If it were caused by a blow from one of the officers he would have been a bloody mess to have suffered that injury.
    I'm thinking his prior medical history is going to shed much more light on how the injury occurred.

    1. What? He was drug. People are screaming about the fact. Typical officer. Sees what suits his argument.

  18. Huh? The video doesn't show how the injury occurred. Being dragged didn't cause the injury which was in his neck. That injury is cause by the neck being hyper-extended. If it were caused by a blow from one of the officers he would have been a bloody mess to have suffered that injury.
    I'm thinking his prior medical history is going to shed much more light on how the injury occurred.

    April 22, 2015 at 11:40 AM

    Are you really that dense?

  19. 8:47-"Wrong"----- If you watch the tape carefully, you can see him standing up in the van before entering it, he then turns his head to face the bystanders and even says something to the bystanders. There is absolutely no question whatsoever that when he entered that van, he was able to stand on his own and was able to turn his head.

  20. 12:46 Even the Balitmore mayor said he was able to stand and walk into the van on his own and if you watch the tape you can clearly see where he enters the van on his own and even turns his head and says something to the bystanders.
    Now I am going to make something clear to you-If you think you will EVER EVER EVER match wits with me-you are grossly mistaken. You got it. Now I highly recommend that you never forget it.

  21. Prior injury haters. It will still be a civil matter. No way no how a criminal case. Baltimore will pay out due to the liberal system. Sad indeed that all you haters just assumed he was beat.

    Suck it libtards

  22. 1:05 PM

    You have limited wits. A person can stand on one leg, especially when held up by two kops. His spine probably got severed when he was tossed into the van while handcuffed and in leg irons.

    Is school out today or did you hook?

  23. 1:43, watch the video-FYI he had no help getting in the van no matter how you try and spin it. He was never ever "tossed into the van." Not ever. This is why it's hard to take you people seriously. You can lie at the drop of a hat to fit your agenda.
    Your mother needs a foot shoved up her butt until she chokes to death on it for letting you get away with lying as a child. When you let children get away with things they end up lying like you do and this is a major problem in society now.
    From CNN-

    "He was dragged a bit, but then you see him using his legs to get into the van, so he was able-bodied when he was in the van, and we know that when he was finally taken out of the van, he was unresponsive," she said.
    -"she" being Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake

    Challenged on the "able-bodied" remark -- video shows Gray's legs hanging listlessly as officers carry him by his shoulders -- Rawlings-Blake said the medical examiner would make the final determination, but "we know he was fine getting into the van."

  24. He was dragged to the van. He was assisted by police getting into the van. He was standing on one leg with the other leg lifted up with no weight on it.

    One witness said he was tased before being dragged to the van.

    He requested medical attention and none was immediately called for.

    When the van stopped to put the leg irons on, another witness said the police tossed him back into the van with handcuffs and leg irons on.

    The mayor you quote also has stated " The mayor has questioned whether police should have pursued Gray in the first place.

    "It is not necessarily probable cause to chase someone. So we still have questions," Rawlings-Blake said."

    The knife the police found was of legal size according to the lawyer.

    The autopsy showed no broken limbs. The leg injury that prevented him from entering the van was from what one witness said being twisted like a pretzel while on the ground.

    The only injury was a broken spine in the neck area and that was done after he was in the van, and after they stopped to put leg irons on him.

    So from the time he was 'tossed' back into the van, handcuffed and with leg irons on, to arrival at the police station, he became unresponsive and unable to breathe.

    One thing I am not sure of is if the area he first started running is a 'high'crime area'. And if it matters.

  25. 5:01 PM

    I noticed you left out a bit from your 'report' from CNN. There are several videos about this arrest, on CNN, I suggest you go watch them. Pay attention and you will see a cop hoist him onto the step of the van. Watch his legs and you will see him standing on only one.

    These are not even the bigger issue of his spine being severed but you can't even get them correct.

  26. "One thing I am not sure of is if the area he first started running is a 'high'crime area'. And if it matters.

    April 23, 2015 at 1:04 AM"

    One thing you can be assured, to say that Sandtown as that particular area of the city is called is high crime is an understatement. Crime is rampant and out of control in that area.
    When people think of that city they think of the harbor, fell points, etc etc. Those areas are just a handful of pockets that can be labeled as fairly safe. The rest of the city is a crime ridden ghetto.
    We think of it as a new phenomenon that schools have LE stationed in them. They've had "resource officers" in city schools for years. Baltimore City schools even has like it's own department in the BOE that investigates crimes within the schools and gets warrants, etc. This because the BPD would tax too many resources responding to the schools and investigating the many crimes that take place in them on a daily basis.

  27. 1:04-I'll let you decide if the area was "high crime" or not.
    I could find on a Baltimore interactive crime map that since feb 23 of this year. there have been more than 30 shootings in the area.

    1. All you have to do is pull up a map of the demographics. The greater the percentage of blacks, the higher the crime rate.

  28. 1:09, it's not his legs that tell a story. It's that he was able to move his head, turn it, hold upright. If his legs were gone, the rest of his body including neck wouldn't be able to move. Maybe some slight arm/hand movement would be present. He also would have lost bowel and urinary control at that point.

  29. 9:54 is correct. I heard a trauma doctor interviewed who said if his legs were unable to work and he was still moving his head and talking and breathing, then the break in the spine would have been lower in his back.
    The doctor felt he was intentionally going limp in an effort to resist being arrested.

  30. 1:04, From today's Sun. Hope this helps your inability to face and accept facts. When you are in a high crime area and someone runs SCOTUS has ruled that officers can give chase for basically no reason other than someone is running.
    This is another fact so accept it. You might not like it but you have NO choice but to accept it-is that clear?

    "The neighborhood where he lived, Sandtown-Winchester, recently made news as the census tract that is home to more inmates in the Maryland correctional system than any other. But that is not the only way in which it is exceptional. Four years ago, the Baltimore Health Department issued a community profile of that neighborhood and even in a city where poverty is widespread, it stands out. The unemployment rate there is about double the citywide average, and so is the poverty rate. Similarly, there are about twice as many liquor stores and tobacco outlets per capita in Sandtown-Winchester as in the city as a whole. Fully a quarter of juveniles in that neighborhood had been arrested between 2005 and 2009. It had the worst domestic violence rate of any of the neighborhoods the health department analyzed and among the worst rates for non-fatal shootings and homicides. A quarter of the buildings are vacant, and the lead paint violation rate is triple the city average. (Gray and his sisters suffered from lead paint poisoning as children.) The only metric the health department analyzed in which Sandtown-Winchester was the best in the city was in the density of fast food restaurants. Perhaps it's too poor to have any"

  31. Look out Shorty...he is pulling his Law Pistol to serve papers...April 26, 2015 at 2:31 PM

    The Cops need to be pulled in...this is happening more and more...

    If you look at our area...

    The Deputies that work for District Court have some of these AUTHORITATIVE ATTITUDES...when serving papers...

  32. 12:29 ...really look at his rap sheet and I think that speaks volumes of this person and YES this is coming from a COP HATER...AS I have no love for them and as long as I stay my distance and they do the same we get as long just fine. BUT I must say the POLICE did one hell of a job last night on Sat. Night..I Myself I would have been banging heads on the pavement.

  33. "We think of it as a new phenomenon that schools have LE stationed in them. They've had "resource officers" in city schools for years"

    They have a whole separate police force called the Baltimore City School Police Force. They have the same powers as any police force in MD.

  34. 12:52 PM

    you're just a little bit slow on the uptake aren't ya?

  35. .I Myself I would have been banging heads on the pavement.

    April 26, 2015 at 3:48 PM

    well, why don't you go to balt and do just that hero


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