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Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Introducing Spot


  1. Reminds me of the future of America. These will be your guard dogs daring you to escape.

    The future of America is played out in the Hunger Games and it isn't that far off.

  2. no we are closer to having the terminator or skynet...

    And you can jaw-jack all you want, but let me provide you with a quote form a former US State Department...

    "No Matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is far worse than you can imagine." - William Blum formerly of the US State Department

  3. If you could pull your tin foil wearing hats from your rectums long enough, you'd see that the potential benefits in this technology for the disabled are boundless.

  4. Hey, and they shouldn't poop in the house...


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