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Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Black Woman Pretends to Be White, Job Offers Skyrocket


  1. thats a bunch of crap. everyone knows blacks, or any minority especially females are 1st to be hired in order to full quotas. unless they are just flat out ghetto, they have 1st shot

  2. Interesting. . obviously prejudice still exists. .

  3. not a suprise at all

  4. I don't believe that for one minute. Too much money in keeping the hate going. So these people just keep stirring the pot.

  5. I don't believe it either. Not one mention of who all these racist companies are that contacted her after she posed as white except to say it was white women who contacted her.
    When and until she decides to elaborate she appears just to be another who feels compelled to stir the hate in her own heart as well the the hate of others.

  6. David would like some pizza for his wedding.

  7. Except in the federal gov't - it's the other way around....

    You have to be educated in a non-mainstream school, be in a minority (or two), and know somebody that's processing the resume's at the in-box....

    I have seen what comes out - and it is why good hiring managers ask for "Direct-Hire" authority....

  8. She probably get bumped up the list too if she applied for welfare and said she was an illegal!! Lol

  9. Fraud! Lock them up!

  10. Lies lies more lies.

  11. With the pressure companies are under to hire blacks, and to a lesser extent females, this claim is ludicrous. There's stiff competition for truly qualified, competent blscks to fill jobs. A white woman would have her resume shuffled toward the middle of the pile, in favor of a black.


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