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Sunday, April 12, 2015

Here’s Why Geraldo Doesn’t Think the South Carolina Officer Will Be Found Guilty of Murder

Geraldo Rivera doesn’t believe officer Michael Slager will be found guilty of murder in the controversial shooting of an unarmed black man in the back that happened last Saturday in South Carolina.

Speaking on “Fox & Friends” Friday morning, Rivera believes that the facts paint a different story, especially because they don’t show premeditation, which is one of the important factors for a murder charge.

“I’m extremely glad they released the dash cam video because it gives context to the event, however horrific, tragic and outrageous the shooting in the back is,” he began. “It shows that it started as a righteous traffic stop. There was a light out. The driver was acting hanky, very edgy. He got out of the car, was told to get back in the car. Clearly the officer involved was checking to see whether there were outstanding warrants. The victim knew there was the outstanding warrant for him for child support. He bolts. The taser comes out.



  1. Except there was no warrant for him, for anything. But he has to get his face in the news.

  2. I think Geraldo is right on this one. If he isn't, the size of our police responses and patrols will be doubled so they keep each other out of trouble. Aaaand every stop will have some probable cause agreed upon by the two officers!

    Police-State is coming!

  3. I might agree with Geraldo if not for the fact the officer fired his weapon more than once. The officer had the conscious intent to cause death or great bodily harm to the victim, who was running away, the moment he chose to fire a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc etc. shot. This is a classic example of premeditation.

  4. this was an assasination

  5. And not to mention the cop planting something after the shooting.

  6. Who cares what he thinks (if he does at all)? map

  7. Officer shot to stop not kill.

    1. So cops can shoot you to stop you? Lazy pig get if this site.

  8. Tampering with evidence is whats going to hang him.

    1. Bs he was securing the weapon fool.

  9. 5:32 you are an idiot. How is shooting several times equal premeditation? Premeditation means the cop determined ahead of time to kill someone. His multiple trigger pulls have nothing to do with a preplanned event. Just that he should not have ever been a cop. Its a shame someone had to pay the price for that.

  10. Looked like a homicide to me.

  11. A child support warrant will never justify this type of lethal force!

  12. The taser "throw down" has no evidentiary value whatsoever.
    I have heard that the taser may have been connected to the victim and that would explain why the officer threw it down but no matter it means nothing anyway because of the video.

  13. geraldo is an idiot, thank goodness he don't have a badge and a gun! we already got enough idiots with them.

  14. Blogger co3153 said...
    Officer shot to stop not kill.

    April 11, 2015 at 6:23 PM

    No he didn't. Kops empty their mag to stop the 'threat'.

  15. Obama Crooked Socialist BastardoApril 11, 2015 at 9:33 PM

    Hey Geraldo, was the Cop's life in imminent danger? If the cop was shooting rubber bullets, maybe it could of been ok. But he was shooting 8 rounds in the back of running suspect who was not a threat to him in any way. In the heat of the moment Cop committed the Murder, Case Closed.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The taser "throw down" has no evidentiary value whatsoever.
    I have heard that the taser may have been connected to the victim and that would explain why the officer threw it down but no matter it means nothing anyway because of the video.

    April 11, 2015 at 7:32 PM

    Another lawyer wanna be. It was a crime scene. You don't disturb evidence at a crime scene. Oh wait, you watch CSI don't you? lol

  17. 7:32 is absolutely correct 3:30. Planting evidence is an attempt by a defendant to justify what they are charged with, in other words an attempt to use it as a defense. It has no value to the prosecution though in and of itself is a separate crime.
    6:53 You are absolutely without a doubt WRONG. 5:32 is correct.
    Premeditation does not mean that the perpetrator must contemplate at length or plan far ahead of the murder. Time enough to form the conscious intent to kill and then act on it after enough time for a reasonable person to second guess the decision typically suffices. While this can happen very quickly, deliberation and premeditation must occur before, and not at the same time as, the act of killing.
    Officer had time just after Shot 1 to see the victim had his back to him and was fleeing and second guess the decision to continue shooting.
    It would be helpful if those like 3:30 and 6:53 didn't offer up their opinion when it is clear the comments they attempted to dispute do have a basis in criminal law.

  18. "Anonymous Anonymous said...
    5:32 you are an idiot. How is shooting several times equal premeditation? Premeditation means the cop determined ahead of time to kill someone. His multiple trigger pulls have nothing to do with a preplanned event. Just that he should not have ever been a cop. Its a shame someone had to pay the price for that.

    April 11, 2015 at 6:53 PM"

    6:53 I was on a murder trial. The victim was stabbed many times. The guy admitted stabbing the other man so we had to decide between 1st or 2nd degree murder is all not his guilt just the degree to which he was guilty. He said the man owed him money he went to get it and a fight started and he stabbed the man. It was explained to us by both the judge and the prosecutor that premeditation means sort of like an overkill type of thing. If the guy had just stabbed the man once that could have been 2nd degree a heat of the moment type of thing. But because he kept on stabbing him over and over he made the decision to stab him until he was dead and that means it was premeditated and 1st degree.

  19. It would be helpful if those like 3:30 and 6:53 didn't offer up their opinion when it is clear the comments they attempted to dispute do have a basis in criminal law.

    April 12, 2015 at 11:04 AM

    I was going to say the same thing about you. lol. wow you just make this up as you go along. obviously you haven't been following this case closely or you wouldn't say such bs. but that's ok. we are used to kops trying anything and everything to try to justify what they do. it goes in one ear and out the other.

    the 'law' you seem to think we have no basis in is what has investigated this kop and arrested him. but don't let that stand in your way. keep repeating the bs. SOMEONE will believe you.

  20. what has happened to Geraldo?Oh that.t right,he works for fox news now,they report,you decide,what a joke,


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