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Thursday, April 09, 2015

Heastie: Voters must amend NY constitution to strip crooks’ pensions

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) New York state’s new budget contains several measures written to address Albany’s culture of corruption — but a provision intended to revoke the pensions of disgraced officials will need voter approval too.

Lawmakers and Gov. Andrew Cuomo want to give judges the power to revoke the pensions of public officials convicted of a corruption-related felony. The proposal was inserted into the state budget passed by lawmakers last week, but the state Constitution must be amended in order to make it apply to all sitting officials.

The Senate has already endorsed placing the referendum on the ballot, and the Assembly plans to do the same when lawmakers return from their spring break. To put the question on the ballot the Legislature will have to endorse the referendum again in 2017.

The proposal would allow a judge to let a convicted official’s spouse or dependents to keep some of the pension.



  1. Just corruption? I think there should be a morality clause as well as a felony clause. Politicians should be held to a higher standard. Or at least the standard the rest of the country has to live by.

  2. That's SO funny. The most prolific thieves want to punish OTHER prolific thieves.
    But allow the pension to be collected by family members.
    Symbolic and worthless.
    Keep cheering.


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