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Thursday, April 09, 2015

For Worcester County Commissioners, Question Is: How Much To Increase Taxes?

SNOW HILL – In an effort to balance the coming year’s budget, the Worcester County Commissioners are considering as much as a 14-cent property tax increase.

Commissioners are expected to decide next week during a budget session whether to advertise for a potential property tax increase of 6.7 cents or an increase of 14.4 cents. According to county staff, it would take a 6.7-cent increase to fund a budget in line with that of the current year while it would take a 14.4-cent hike to fund all of the budget requests for FY 2016.

“If we set it at six cents, everybody’s going to know we’re cutting eight cents somewhere,” Commissioner Joe Mitrecic said. “Once we advertise this we can’t go to eight [cents] or nine [cents]. We’re stuck at six.”



  1. They will go with the lower estimate. AFAIK the Worcester County Commissioners have never funded all the budget requests. That's just a wish list and they have been pretty good at cutting out the frivolous requests.

  2. I am selling my 3 /4 acres as soon as possible.

  3. keep the budget as is no new expenses, raises, etc. that makes the decisions much easier and helps the taxpayer.

  4. Worcester County is one of the least expensive places to live in Maryland. Their property taxes are below both neighboring Somerset and Wicomico. Worcester has better schools too. And the income tax rate is only 6% versus 8% for Somerset and Wicomico.

  5. “If we set it at six cents, everybody’s going to know we’re CUTTING (emphasis added) eight cents somewhere,” Commissioner Joe Mitrecic said...”

    Typical talking points of a tax and spend liberal. Can't believe the idiots in OC voted this guy in. Useless when on the OC town council and will obviously be useless as a County Commissioner.

    1. And he has the most aragant ass attitude you ever saw. He bluffed his way for years, once you ever talk to him, becomes obvious what a flying baboon he really us

  6. The ones that vote for a tax increase will be replaced in the next election. Hope you get this message Bud.

  7. Mitecic was not "voted in"...he had no contest...what we need are some of these commissioners to stand up to this guy and shut him down...

    You may represent Ocean City predominately Joe...but you are a "Worcester County Commissioner"...how about acting like it!

  8. 6:33 Mitrecic is just another Mathias clone.

  9. They just won't get it! NO NEW TAXES!


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