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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Feds Spent $410,265 Studying ‘Satisfaction’ Levels of Young Gay Men’s First Time

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has spent over $400,000 studying the satisfaction levels of the first sexual experiences of young gay men.

The four-year study, being conducted by Johns Hopkins University, is examining the “meaning and function” of first “penetrative same-sex sexual experiences.”

“Prior work has demonstrated that same-sex relationship trajectories support the development of self-esteem in young gay and bisexual men, while opposite same-sex relationships may be associated with homonegativity,” a grant for the project, which began in 2012, states. “Little is known about the meaning and function of first same-sex experience in [African-American] AA adolescent men and whether satisfaction with first penetrative same-sex experience impacts sexual trajectories.”

“The goal of this project is to understand the meaning and function of first same-sex sexual experience and to prospectively be able to assess its impact on subsequent sexual experiences, young adult sexual health and health protective behaviors,” the grant said.

The project has cost taxpayers $410,265 so far, with funding not set to expire until May 2016.

The study is also examining the satisfaction levels of young gay men during their first time.

“The research phase of the award is to explore the reasons for and satisfaction with first and subsequent penetrative same-sex sexual experiences (PSSE) and to examine the role of first PSSE on second and subsequent PSSEs in AA men (Study 1) and how social context impacts sexual satisfaction with first PSSE,” the grant said.



  1. And the Country is in debt "How Much"

  2. Feed the children instead.

  3. Just want I wanted to read on my lunch break....yuck

  4. Last Wednesday I had a PSSE when I filled out a check to the comptroller of Maryland.

  5. Who cares!!?? Money could have been spent on important stuff.

  6. If its so right and normal why do they need to spend money to figure it out?

  7. Who cares if these perverts enjoy their first sexual experience or not. How about all the hungry, unemployed people in this country who have no where to live? This country is absolutely so screwed up I don't know if it can get right.

  8. House Republicans spent 3 million, for lawyers, to defend the unconstitutional DOMA

  9. And stuff like this is another reason our taxes are so high. Nobody cares about this!

  10. This is just so gross.

  11. Sick, disgusting, perverted and A WASTE OF MY MONEY! 12:33 is right. If it's so normal why does there need to be a study about it.

  12. I'm speechless...those dumb Axx's I have a theory that we are unknowingly funding a study on men who are married taking male enhancement drugs and their divorce rate in the past 10 years. Who wants to bet me??

  13. The show Empire is about making homosexuality okay with the Black community...Another Social manipulation series.

  14. Just end the world now and start over.


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