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Sunday, April 05, 2015

A Letter To The Editor 4-4-15

I am a faithful follower but I have never posted a concern only commented. I just found out that my dental office Drs. Gray, Allen and Associates have installed security cameras throughout the entire office. I have been extremely disappointed and concerned for the past couple of years because I have noticed such a turn around in the staff there. But because they participated with my insurance, I continued to seek care there, but NO MORE!!! This takes the cake and I will be searching for care elsewhere. I feel it to be an invasion of privacy to the patient to be under surveillance. This office see adults as well as minors. What happened to HIPPA. You have to sign your life away in a medical/dental office these days so how can an office put up cameras and not make you aware of it. I did not sign anything giving permission to be on camera. This is not Walmart! This is a professional or so called professional office that I feel has to be in breech of patient privacy. This is not about patient theft or security. Obviously they have other issues and it pertains to their staff but at their patients/clienteles expense. I do not know if this is legal but I will be contacting the Board of Dental Examiners and I hope to make it aware to other patients of this office.

Thank You.


  1. Seems creepy that a dental office would even need or want security cameras in their office. Either their patients leave a lot to be desired if you know what I mean (this obamacare free dental crap and we all know who jumps on that bandwagon), or they don't think their staff is on the up and up.
    Either way's not good.

  2. got news for ya! your on camera 24/7 once ou leave your house! welcome to the police state!

  3. This is called kiss of death

  4. As long as no audio recordings, cameras are allowed by law. People are confused as to HIPPA. They think it's all about privacy. It stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.
    HIPPA privacy rule basically says all individual identifiable health info is private so just because your being taped doesn't mean any health info which means condition treatment, etc is being exposed.

  5. Do you know exactly where the cameras are aimed and what they are watching? It could be that they are watching their staff to prevent any money loss. Did you ask the dentist or office manager about the privacy issues?

  6. there have been alot of accusations/lawsuits from patients claiming that dentists abused them while under anesthesia. some have been true some not but either way, it is probably to protect the dentist from lawsuits and also from theft. people will steal anything, nailed down or not, if it will get them high, you should feel sorry for the dentist that this is what is has come to. the only place they cant put cameras is in bathrooms and dressing rooms.

  7. GOOD LEAVE! I will now go there. I will take my kids because cameras equal security!

  8. Maybe that is why there are no more walls in the rooms anymore. Everything is in the open. I really don't like this or the idea of camera's. In general I hate going to a dentist period and I don't think you should have to have an xray every time you get your teeth cleaned! As a rule unless there are any problems, I don't think xrays should be done. They tell you it is no more than getting a sunburn, but I believe over time the damage could lead to cancer or some other health issue.

  9. Did it ever occur to you that the camera's were for the after hours cleaning crews who are contracted to clean? Many times there are things disappearing. Many times the crews may have the opportunity to rummage through records.

  10. Haven't had x-rays for a few years now. I refuse to have them in order to have my teeth cleaned when there are no issues! They told me they can't force me to have them so you may want to seek out another dentist if your wishes are not respected. Good Luck!

  11. So stop going to the dentist. Let your teeth rot, and you will get a membership card to be an official born here! Bunch of socially awkward rejects on here.

    1. There are plenty of dentists in this area so they won't have to "stop going to the dentist and have their teeth rot", and you are an ASS!! If you don't like what you see around here, then go back where you came from.

  12. Good grief, with all that's going on in this crazy world, if that's all that's bothering you, get over it!

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So stop going to the dentist. Let your teeth rot, and you will get a membership card to be an official born here! Bunch of socially awkward rejects on here.

    April 4, 2015 at 11:22 AM

    Yes, unlike you who is so socially acceptable.

  14. 11:22
    They didn't say they would stop going to the dentist. Why make a false statement? Was it just so you could try to bash someone that was born here? If you don't like the people born here or the people that comment on this blog take your arrogant behind back across the bridge. I moved here to get away from people like you. If putting people down is your goal in life maybe you need to search for a different goal to make your pathetic life seem more important.

    1. Exactly!! I never understood ppl who move to the Eastern Shore only to complain about the Eastern Shore.

  15. She must not know about the HUNDREDS of cameras at PRMC.
    Or Salisbury Immediate Care. Or Your Docs In.
    Security cameras are in almost every doctors office.

  16. People under the influence or Physc evaluation are entering walk in clinics and PRMC. But a dental office needing cameras? That's a stretch. I find it a great expense just for a cleaning crew..ask someone already employed there is they would like to make a couple buck to clean on the weekends. Other establishments have signs letting you know u are being video taped. A lot of offices are mostly paperless and everything is on the computer for privacy purposes in case someone was to break in. It's a double standard. The government mandated privacy to such a point u sigh in on a piece of paper and then that name is marked out. U cannot call a patient back by first and last name...u cannot talk to a spouse or relative over the phone in regards to appointments or medical questions but offices can have video cameras? If there are cameras so be it but I would have to be notified or I would not continue care at that establishment.

  17. To comment 9:52... how do you know these or one of these doctors are not doing this to go back and watch for perverted reasons. If it was up to me...more cons than pros to receive care in a private practice like that. Security cameras should only be in clinics and hospitals and safe offices not labeled for victims of violence. However those that house narcotics like pharmacies and pain management have a reason to be concerned in this day and time. Just remember. .you are not the one getting to look at what is taped. They are!

  18. PRMC has cameras in some patient rooms and they don't get turned off for any reason. Some cameras can be seen by many people in multiple locations

  19. to 6:59 your comment made me smile and almost giggle. i guess i'll never know if the dentist is using the video feed of dental procedures for his own sexual gratification. i hadn't thought about it before and probably won't consider it again. but, if i had ever thought about it, i'd have guessed that the dentist would get his dentist porn from the internet like everyone else. so thanks for the heads up

  20. OMG...i am glad this was posted. One of the doctors wives works in the front office so I question the reason being deceitful staff for the cameras. I will be asking personally. SHADY! working myself in the medical field. ...it MUST be posted or a patient signs consent. End of story.

  21. This office would never take any insurance related to the affordable health care act or state funded. They are too high and mighty and would lose a buck! They got into trouble with Carefirst by charging patients the difference between the insurance allowed amount and their fee! They did it to the wrong patient that was smart enough to figure it out and Carefirst pulled their contract but they told patients it was "their" decsion! Not true because that is why I left! Know your insurance because some of these offices will take advantage of you in a heartbeat!

  22. What happened to Dr. White? He was my dentist for years an I am not allowed to know? Even when I questioned it...i get from the new dentist he relocated but wouldn't say where and the hygienist said she was not suppose to say....which is it. What's the big secret?

  23. To 9:38...HIPPA protects individuals health information and his / her demographic information. This meets the definition of "PHI" . If even without the patient name you can look at certain information and can tell who that person is then it IS a violation less that person is notified in writing or posted on the premises.

  24. To 10:23, they usually don't tell where a dentist or hygienist that leaves went because they don't want to lose patients. Have you tried to look him up? Maybe he really did leave the area. Unfortunately I left the dental field about a year ago so I'm out of the loop, or I'd tell you :(

  25. Thanks to all the come heres, we now have dentists! Never needed them before...

  26. Dr. White is in Berlin now.

  27. Drs.Gray & Allen are wonderful Dentist and the staff are very pleasant. The office is cheerful and the care is excellent. If they are using security measures there has got to be a good reason. These two men are brilliant Doctors.

    1. Thanks Ms Sharon. You are also very pleasant. Seems like the originator of this post is someone who is very bored to post such a random post not to mention they don't have any guts to put their real name.

  28. If the care was excellent then how can I be told I had 6 cavities on my first dental visit with xrays by doctor Allen. I am a faithful person that goes to the dentist every six months. I have a few fillings but not a fake tooth in my mouth. So I got a second opinion. I got my xrays having to pay for images on paper no doubt. ..and guess what one filling needed replaced do to a crack. I still get my dental check ups regularly but no longer there. Not trusted. .

  29. To Sharon....no one said the staff wasn't pleasant. However there is a turn around every six months. Obviously they are beyond pleasing to work for.

  30. To comment 10:17. You are absolutely right! They were over charging patients. They picked the wrong patient to screw because I am an insurance coordinator for a surgery center. I picked up on that game right away. I transferred and because they wanted to charge me for copies of my digital xrays I opted to let my new dentist take them and pay out of pocket because my insurance would not cover another set in a certain time frame. They were not getting one more dollar from me.

  31. It seems to me if cameras were installed due to possible theft or concerns of staff. The staff wouldn't know they were installed. Doesn't seem smart.

  32. Wow I remember that office a friend of mine worked there a few years ago and I can tell all of you the only reason those cameras are up. Its because one of those Dr.'s suffers form micro management little man syndrome, and the other partners don't have a spine...I completely understand stores and certain medical offices and hospitals having them. But this is just sooo over the top...

  33. The office has gone downhill when Dr White left...the new owner has real issues

  34. Looks like most of you have no clue. There are 3 cameras focused on 2 rear doors and the front reception area. It's a typical security system. it doesn't record paranoid patients.

    1. No. 6 cameras total. And you have the wrong locations.

  35. They have been a bunch of deceitful lying back stabbers to their staff as well as patients. Karma sucks.

  36. To 8:24 cameras at the reception desk shows patients identity. ....as for security. ...there is an Alarm system. .. cameras are usually mounted outside. And not monitored 24/7 by Dr. ALLENS personal phone and computer to log in whenever he wants. No drugs to be stolen. If I were an employee working next to one of the bosses wives and still had to be monitored I would run like hell. That is obsessive and stalker behavior. Or maybe they are scared caused they have pissed off so many people.

  37. There is and ad in the paper for a new assistant AGAIN!

  38. The cameras were installed for security and liability. Unfortunately, in todays world people will sue at the drop of a dime. There are home invasions like we never seen before. What's next? A thief or attacker doesn't discriminate. Cleaning crews are bonded however as one stated there is much activity going on after hours. I ask do you have some type of security system in your home, whether cameras or motion dectectors, bells are whistles. What is the diffference. Your safey is a priority!

  39. Simple solution. ..simply post a sign or have patients sign consent of awareness. A patient's identity is still a stake. Or you may be sued in a different way.

  40. To 9:37...not everyone can afford a home security system. REALLY? Sounds like these dentists can though...since it sounds like they have ripped some people off.

  41. 12:27
    I noticed you didn't use your name either.

  42. Some listed some great excuses for the new camera but the real reason is the office is owned by a greedy micromanager better known as a control freak that is so money hungry and wants to control everything! There is always huge staff change overs due to employees being treated poorly and made to feel less than. This is coming from yes your perfect Bible study dentist who claims to be a Christian but acts nothing of the sorts. The camera were placed to watch over employees to make sure they aren't socializing or even know their other coworkers! Its a shame a lot put him on such a pedestal when he deserves the dirt. He is lucky to have what employees he has after stripping them of all their benefits and vacations and making them feel like they are "lucky" to even have a job! No I don't work there, never have and never will but working in the dental community it doesn't take long to hear about the office that are black balled to work at. I feel sorry for the employees and the dentist!

  43. It is unfortunate that a dental office has to put security cameras in to monitor their employees. Ever since Dr. Reddish retired, the staff changeover has been astronomical. The office staff is nice and friendly, but every time you turn around, there is a new hygienist or assistant. Dr's are know for having "godlike" complexes, and maybe this is the problem. Then again, maybe it is the "micro managing" that is driving all of the employees away. Only the Dr's know the real answer.


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