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Sunday, March 01, 2015

Why Have A Law If You Can't Enforce It?

I took this photo Friday evening and clearly no one was going to clear the sidewalk before the sun set.

As I stood there I watched people walking in the street, which was happening pretty much anywhere you went in Salisbury. Some shoveled their sidewalks, some did not. It only takes ONE property to screw that all up.

Here's what I don't get though. If you have to have them cleared within six hours of the final snow flake, if the Board of Ed can't get their sidewalks cleared, why does the Mayor want to punish and fine people for something like this?

Now I can see if the Mayor gets a crew out there and clears your sidewalk for you, THEN THEY CAN FINE YOU. However, if they cannot, is it really fair to punish everyone when the ultimate goal, (according to them) is to make sure citizens can walk about freely on every sidewalk.

This is the Eastern Shore. Snow doesn't last very long on the ground. In fact, look around today. With the rain and warmer temperatures I'd say the sidewalks should be clear by days end. 

Considering these rules were actually designed to HELP the Postal Service, (shhhh, you're not supposed to know that) so why don't they just STOP mail delivery until everything clears up. IF you want your mail, YOU go to the Post Office and get it. 

Here's another thought. IF the City is so concerned about snow removal, WHY hasn't someone thought "out of the box" and create an ON CALL list of people out of work willing to shovel snow SEVEN hours after the last flake drops. They can set a residential fee that is fair and actually pay HUNDREDS of people who really need the money. Oh, I'm sorry Ladies & Gentlemen, I forgot that we're talking about non business people like Jim Ireton and Jake Day. 

As far as businesses go, (like the ones shown in the picture above) they should be fined. 


  1. I totally agree with this. I was out shoveling my sidewalk right after it stopped (I live in the city) along with my entire driveway and neighbor's sidewalk. However, the lazy bums around Salisbury who think they are better than anyone and the rule does not apply to them can't even take the time to shovel their sidewalk, including the schools. I drove by Wi Hi on Friday and their walks still had not been touched. Even when I called the city and spoke to some lame person, they acted as if no big deal!

  2. Teens used to go out and shovel walks for money, remember?
    But I'd guess now, with Salisbury being the way it is, they're not safe out on the streets alone.
    Or they're just too lazy.

  3. I work for the post office and I am tired of people not caring anymore. No path up their 20 steps and completely covered in ice. Most businesses not even in compliance with snow removal laws. If no one is going to enforce then they shouldn't even have the laws.

  4. I used to love a good snowfall when I was a kid. It sometimes meant no school, but it always meant a bunch of money in my pocket from shoveling driveways and walks. Back then I could make the equivalent of $300 a day in today's dollars. And get treated to a lot of cups of hot chocolate along the way.

  5. I don't want to hear any complaints from Post Office workers about sidewalks and lots not being cleared. Anyone that has to go to Fruitland Post Office knows what I am talking about. The main sidewalk has never been touched and the have a one shovel wide path to get down the side of the building. If you park on side of the building you have to step over a high pile of snow.

  6. Load the prisoners up and let them shovel.

    1. and pay 2 CO's per prisoner OT to watch them for a total cost of about $100 an hour. Yea, thats really smart.

  7. how do older people get their walks done that fast? this law was NOT thought out properly. bad law at best.

  8. great idea Joe. I would to see a list of people who would shovel walks and driveways. It would be hard to set a standard price because driveways and walks are different widths and lengths, but some sort of scale should be set so people don't get taken. The city isn't smart enough to do this. I think Culver should do something like this for the county. He would get what a good idea this is. There are lots of people who are not able to shovel themselves out. Great thinking on this one.

  9. Whats about people who happen to be out of town for whatever reason? Should someone be fined because the weather closed the airports and they can't get back home? Should someone be fined because they are stranded in Baltimore or wherever and the roads are impassable? Should someone be fined because the are hospitalized and can't rush out of intensive care to shovel their walk? I'm not positive but I don't think the ordinance allows for such exceptions.

  10. Load the prisoners us. That is a farce. I have the recycling truck come by once a week. The older guy who drives the truck gets out picks up and sorts while the prisoner sets in the truck keeping warm. This makes me so mad I could spit! I have on occasion. LAZY sobs. These people would not work in a pie factory with free samples.

  11. They didn't even deliver mail! Postal service.

  12. Another stupid law. Just let people be free to do what is right and most will. The others we just have to over look. We don't need this type of law ordering people to do something with there own property that they don't want to do.

  13. Before any kids or prisoners can be paid to shovel they'll need to pay for a business license, background check, get insurance and State and Federal Tax IDs,and have a verified photo ID. Won't get that with those non-essential Government workers proving how non-essential they are.

  14. I fell yesterday on the sidewalk thanks idiot mayor.

  15. 12:16,they pick up trash don't they?

  16. I always make sure my walks are shoveled but I have little to say about those which are not After all I don't walk down the sidewalks. Instead I get in my car and drive to where I am going. It is most often people without cars who have to walk on sidewalks. They are likely poorly paid and walk the sidewalks in good weather and bad. I have certainly watched many people walking to work or riding their bike to work over the years. I know I am blessed.

    Also in this area we have had an exceptional week of extreme freezing temperatures. Usually in a day or two the snow is melted away.

    I also might mention that while I shovel I have sometimes thought to prevent falls it might be safer to not shovel and just walk through the snow.

    Abandoned and foreclosed houses is another reason, in addition to people not being home as to why sidewalks sometimes do not get shoveled.

    As to the schools, all the ones I saw in Salisbury had been cleared including one pictured here the other day. But I thought maybe some had experienced blowing snow or some other factor that put some snow back on the walk. It should go without saying the day school reopens when it is really necessary the custodians will be outside tidying up and spreading salt where needed.

    As to the postal service I always make sure they can get to my box as easily as possible. I do know people who have not had delivery sometimes.

    It would be wise and kind to be tolerant Yes it was a little difficult for me to get into the library without stepping into snow Saturday once I got out of my car. But I found the path and walked right in without getting my feet wet.

    So few of us who live in the more civilized parts of this clime have rubber boots anymore as we don't really need them to keep our feet dry and our shoes free of mud and dung from carriage horses. As I said I am blessed.

    Perhaps each of you are too but just not as aware of it

  17. I started to shovel the sidewalk next to the Rt 50 Post office fence(on their property) and some guy came out and stopped me.Should that have bothered anybody?

  18. Why have a law you dont enforce? Same reason we have rules in school that are not enforced. The powers that be have no balls to enforce anything to keep order. They bow to the alter of the liberal mindset. Gutless cowards.

  19. Our street and the surrounding streets were never touched by a plow and we're in the city of Salisbury. Interesting that the sidewalk law--aka revenue generator--is in effect but the city streets were of no consequence to those making these 'laws'.

  20. I don't think it is fair that I had to pay to have my sidewalk cleared and the neighbor didn't bother to do anything.

  21. A law if you can't enforce it?
    Maybe a law they don't want to enforce.
    Laws are made for the select few.

  22. 3:59 I clear my walks or have them cleared because I want my walks clear not because of a law or because of something my neighbor does or does not do.

    I take responsibility because it is the right thing to do. I make my own decisions.

  23. When I was growing up I lived in the County on a farm. That did not mean we used tractors and blades to clear the snow. We had our mail box cleaned around it or the mail person did not deliver your mail.
    Also for you bleeding heart liberals, The Correctional Officer would be paid no matter what.
    Suggestion: Put all the lazy a$$es on Public Assistance shoveling to earn their check. They would be on a time schedule so they would have to complete their assigned area.They buy flat screens better vehicles than mine and sit around playing video games and using drugs. Assign them areas and if they don't do it no check or assistance for 60 days.
    That way you pay nobody to watch them and they earn their free money.
    There is always enough Government employees riding around collecting double pay trying to justify them riding around with plows in the air.

  24. I am supposed to clear my walk within 6 hours, but my street is not cleaned within that timeframe!

  25. All of you apparently believe (fervently, too) that your "representatives" pass laws for EVERYONE.
    Everyone except themselves.

  26. Ho hum , when will you get it straight?
    Look at the council , need I say more?
    I will say more , look at the mayor , now do you understand?
    If not , the mayor is a homosexual , the council is of liberal brains.
    Enforce what ?
    It's a coming folks! buy more ammo.

  27. This is very much like the unenforced noise ordinance. Why have these "laws" if theyre not going to be enforced?

  28. Another reason I am glad I no longer live in Salisbury. The town and it's leadership are a travesty. First of all sidewalks are public property and requiring the land owner or tenant to clean said area is likened to requiring them to fill in a pot hole. It is not their job, duty or privilege to do so as they have no right to claim that particular area as their own. The town however should be required to do so and considering snow plows mound snow from the street onto the sidewalks any of the people who did comply with this undue request should bill the town for their time for public snow removal. That would show the inconsiderate and ignorant in power who retains the power to govern...The People do!

  29. This lack of respect for law and order comes from the "Brothers" seeing their President not obeying any laws either.

  30. I think it's a great idea to offer shoveling snow jobs to interested parties!


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