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Sunday, March 01, 2015

On Tilghman Island, law-breaking watermen defended

On a midwinter afternoon, William "Billy" J. Lednum steered the Kristin Marie into the Knapps Narrows, a channel that separates Tilghman Island from the rest of the Eastern Shore. It was 35 degrees and gusty, but Lednum, a "waterman cowboy" who has won dozens of boat-docking trophies, whipped the stern around and flawlessly backed into his slip. After tying his boat to the dock, he unloaded 125 silver-scaled rockfish, weighing a combined 699 pounds.

This was the 42-year-old waterman's last trip before heading to prison — and perhaps the last rockfish haul of his life. Lednum, known around Tilghman Island as "Billy," is now Federal Bureau of Prisons inmate No. 57529-037 at Fort Dix, N.J.

"Days like today I would have stayed home," he said, referring to the numbing cold and wind that penetrated his red sweatshirt. "But I moved things up so I could get things done."

On insular Tilghman — a 2.7-square-mile island with fewer than 800 residents — many are outraged by Lednum's fall. Not because of his crime: poaching rockfish in violation of state and federal law.

They are upset that this fourth-generation islander and chief of the volunteer fire department will be serving a year and a day behind bars for pursuing his livelihood. Neighboring families can't recall anybody ever going to prison "just for catching a fish." Curiously, not even watermen who had their 2011 quotas slashed as a result of the poaching said they were upset with him — or the three others convicted last year in the poaching scheme.

The Tilghman Island Volunteer Fire Company recently decided that Lednum should continue as chief while he's in prison. Two marinas have offered to dock the Kristin Marie for free. A waterman friend will be mowing his lawn while he's gone.



  1. Most people do not realize that when the Great Wall came down in East Berlin, Not only did Capitalism finally cross the borders into former Soviet territory - but Communism invaded America. This is a classic case-in-point as to what actually transpired on that historic date November 9, 1989.

    So let's add this up 2015- 1989 = 26 years it has been since America was invaded by the Communist. And our citizenry is now paying a tremendous price.

  2. I'm sorry....but there are many worse things this man could have been doing other than catching "illegal fish" and received less time. What a waste of time, energy and prison space.

    If he had robbed a bank, sold drugs or did a home invasion he would have walked away with less time.

    Welcome to the Great State of Maryland.

    SMH........ : (

  3. Sounds like he needs to cool his heels for a spell in the joint.. We are not talking about a guy that was busted for fishing with his son without a licence.

    This guy has no respect for the law or his fellow watermen.

  4. This is an outrage -- more O'Malley tree hugging violation of natural rights.

  5. What the heck!! He knowingly violated the law because he was greedy and must now suffer the consequences. This poaching was not an accident, it was deliberate. He should be given no quarter especially due to his status in the community which was a status opf trust.. He's a dishonest fire chief and maybe his past activity at the fire company should be scrutinized very closely by an independent source. Let's face it, he's a criminal and deliberately did this without remorse. His conviction only serves to hurt all Maryland Water men. Stop the hug a thug sentiment for a criminal and dishonest person and remember that the laws are there for us all. He knew the consequences and made his decision to not follow the law!

  6. just another case of government should butt out - Mother Nature takes care of her land and waters, but it is easier to blame waterman and farmers.

    Small communities stick together and look out for one another in bad times, Then here comes the outsiders and government to control the communities with what can and cannot be done. Something in Maryland the communities had managed very well since 1634 until 1989.

    Yes he broke the law, a law that did not need to be in place. Now he is paying the penalty. As always the little communities are looking after their own. Good Job Tilghman folks and Fire Company.

    Seems overkill for him to be in a Federal Prison, I did not know illegal rockfishing to be as serious a crime as mass murdering.

  7. This guy sounds like a scofflaw of long standing.

  8. I remember when Conservatives were the "Law and Order" party...seems like a long time ago.

  9. the law is whatever the politicians want it to be. They don't give a rats ass about you or me. how much prison time did anyone get for all the bs the banks pulled? and we are talking billions!

  10. 1:55 PM - He took the risk and lost. His greed got the best of him. In agree that we need to look out for each other but this guy is way out of control. There's a lot of fish out there only because of past enacted laws. What he did was to set back our arguments for less restrictive fishing and all of this is based upon his greed. He knew the risks and did it anyway!

  11. Follow the rules. He knew them. Many taxpayer dollars are spent to replenish the stock. Same for the oyster thieves. GPS their boats.

  12. Break the law, Pay the price.

  13. This thief and his partners have had multiple over fishing violations for many years, its about time the Feds {fed judge}put him out of business, this was a ring and he was the leader. Seems the whole damn town thinks its ok to steal some of everybody else's share of fish in the Bay. I hope they lock half the town up next time! Whole towns in on it....whole town of thieves!

  14. Don't mess with those Tilghman boys,just sayin.....

  15. If you can not make a living lawfully, find a new job, or man up and do your time.

  16. Pay attention to what 4:43 says...
    All of you sanctimonious "don't break the law!!" people sat back and watched some REAL law breakers steal hundreds of BILLIONS from the people who worked all their lives and ended up broke and greeting customers at the door of Wal-Mart.
    Save the holier-than-thou act for things that matter.
    Like equality under the law.
    He's in prison for some fish.
    The REAL criminals (protected by your "representatives" and their power) just bought a mansion overlooking the Pacific in Hawaii.
    Keep cheering.

  17. This is not his first offense. Confiscate the boat like they do with the drug dealers. I can't believe the Tilghman Islanders who actually support this criminal. Are they all outlaws?

  18. Not Tilghman's finest hour, they don't realize that these men were stealing future income from their own neighbors. They were selfish and certainly do not deserve this folk hero status. It galls me to think, that of all the 100 plus rockfish I caught recreationally last year (doing the legal season) I only keep five all year trying to preserve the resource. And, these criminals undid all my conservation efforts with one pull of their net.

  19. 919-He broke the law, and earned his time in jail. Quit crying.

  20. If he was black he would have got a $10 fine.

  21. bomb the island , pick up the kids who are screwed up with gene abnormalities , send the ladies to Iran. (just kidding)
    Hell , we don't punish criminals anymore. If we did Obama would have many life sentences , along with most his comrades.

  22. I guess if someone is committing crimes to make a living, it's OK. Hitmen kill people to earn a living, let them go. Prostitutes...let them go. Drug dealers... set them free. Just trying to earn a living.

    This guy is the reason why we can only keep 2 rocks, why our children MAY get to keep ONE, and their children NONE. He got off light, as he should have been stripped of his boat, truck, gear, banned for life from owning a license. His boat and truck should be drained and turned into an artificial reef, so the rest of the good ole boys (girls) get the message.

  23. The Fed prison at Ft. Dix is easy time.

  24. Birds of a feather, flock together....

  25. Communist Amerika. when will you get this? taxes and regulations are killing all of us and in every area of life. we will pray for this man and his family until he is released. there is NO excuse for this.


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