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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

WCSO Calls For Service 3-30-15


  1. Mayor Ireton i count 80 Sheriff calls in SALISBURY ????????????????????????

  2. How many criminal activities are observed and stopped before they happen? I see all the calls for service...yeah right I see traffic stops in the bunch meaning patrols....but how much crime is actually stopped before hand? I want to see those stats by all local agencies!

    1. How can one measure prevented crime?

  3. How would you know it was going to happen to stop it before it did? Can charges be brought against a criminal activity that was stopped before it happened? I think police presence does hinder criminal activity BUT policemen cannot be everywhere all the time.

    1. Cops used to catch em red handed. They're lazy now. Waits for the public to act then they react.

    2. There needs to be more walking the beat cops in the thug areas.

    3. Agreed. Beat cops! Make them walk and form a more personal relationship with the community. Cops are more likely to use more discretion against petty crap. And easier for them to scan the area better @ 3 mph then 50 mph! They can hear Better as well. Things two blocks over for example.

    4. They would all cry . spoiled cops wouldn't know what to do if they had to walk. They got lights fast cars computers and that cell phone! They can drive with phones. Can't walk n talk!


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