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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

NYPD cop behind Eric Garner chokehold sued over car crash

The NYPD officer who put Eric Garner in the chokehold that led to his death last summer is being sued — yet again.

Daniel Pantaleo was recently named as a defendant in a civil suit filed in Queens Supreme Court against the NYPD, which alleges that the officer crashed his police vehicle into another man’s car on Staten Island on June 20, causing him “severe and permanent” injuries.

Leonardo Aguirre claims that Pantaleo was speeding and following him too closely in his 2010 Chevrolet when the two got into an accident about 15 minutes away from the cop’s 120th Precinct stationhouse, according to legal papers filed with the city.

The crash on Clove Road at Martha St. left Aguirre with injuries to his neck, back, left shoulder and knees, the documents allege.


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