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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Two Women Harrassed then Yanked out of Car and Arrested for Filming in Nevada


  1. lmao! wow two of Americas finest. don't bother with illegals or terrorists or gang bangers or drugged up zombies or wall street thieves! just harass the average citizen!
    give the ticket and be on your way! Kop thinks he more important than he really is. Then they wonder why no one trusts them anymore!

  2. He should have tazed her too!

  3. He simply asked her to roll the window down----
    Our police officers should not put up with dumb people
    Like these two who got what they wanted. I bet they wouldn't talk to the officers like that if they needed them for help!!!!!!

    1. They don't need to roll it down. They could communicate just fine. More abuse of power.

  4. Wicomico!!!! This is what you cheer for! Just do as they say. This isn't a violation of rights. Is it? Sheeple. You all sicken me.

    1. It's very simple 1:01. Just do what they say. How damn hard is that to comprehend?!

  5. 1:00 PM The window was down far enough to stick that cops fat arm through. It was down far enough.

    The kops request was subjective and had nothing to do with the offense other than to show that he had the control and she didn't.

    its called little man syndrome. and every kop i know has it.

  6. Notice to cops, treat me like that on an illegal stop and you will pay the price personally!
    I will justify it and get away with it just like you mercenaries with a badge do.

  7. 12:38 & 1:23--
    Exactly. No seeming knowledge of actual laws (that they are supposed to uphold) or rights (silly thing known as the Constitution, suggest you read it), just "do as I say". Sorry, doesn't cut it!! Hope these ladies sue the crap out of them! This was a speeding offense, utterly ridiculous behavior from the LEOs. Did anyone else notice LEO #2 fingering his gun? Go find some illegal immigrants that are stealing Americans' jobs or terrorists coming over our porous borders!! Wake up, people!!!

  8. Anon 1:00 PM is a dumb ass... you must be a cop or a cops wife or have a cop in the family...

    It shows how stupid cops are... Shows how scared and pussy like they are... Oh you don't listen to my illegal orders? I will show you, here is 10 of my buddies to pounce on you...

    The cops want the window down so they can stick their head in the window to so called look around and or to smell marijuana in the car as a last resort of you saying no and knowing your rights... Not to mention if you drive off, they can dive in the window and then shoot you because they were scared... Kind of like the Maryland stat trooper did to one of my friends... "let me put myself in danger by diving in a window so I can scare myself so I can shoot someone"

    Seems to me, if you need 10 of your buddy's to help commit crimes and or you are scared for you life, then you need a new job officer...

    Like I said before and will so now, Cops are the cause of the citizens not liking them... people do not hate you personally unless you personally violated them... they hate the badge, the uniform and the corrupt people behind it who hide behind it like cowards... There are no good cops, because good cops don't sit by and watch or help bad cops... good cops are not complicit...

    Just know this cops, when the people rise up and shit hits the fan because of your actions, just know your life and your families lives are on the line...

    Also keep in mind that Your precious tanks on the streets don't mean shit when they can't move due to no gas or wheels... Because in a social collapse no one will be working or making your precious fuel...

    1. Not a cop or a dumb ass!
      Based on your comments-- I have no worries of my life being on the line from you!

  9. See how dumb this cops is, he thinks any order he gives you is a legal one...

    Clearly you do not have to get out of the car for a traffic ticket says the LAW!!!

    Don't get it twisted, a very few cops don't know the law... Others are told or allowed to act this way... ignorance of the law is still no excuse...

    Notice how you mention to a cop the constitution or anything about laws and they turn their heads and say "oh god" or "you are one of those people huh" or "don't give me the constitution crap" which means they don't give two shots about us nor the law...

    if you see something record it!!! Always record cops actions... they act different on camera than not on camera... MOST OF THEM anyway... Some just don';t give a damn either way and will still do it on camera...

  10. Anonymous said...
    He simply asked her to roll the window down----
    Our police officers should not put up with dumb people
    Like these two who got what they wanted. I bet they wouldn't talk to the officers like that if they needed them for help!!!!!!

    March 10, 2015 at 1:00 PM

    cops putting up with dumb people? I think it more the other way around. Why can't you guys just do your stupid job and go away? Better yet, just go away. We can protect ourselves better than you anyday. You just show up after the fact and do the paperwork. With your pretty little disco lights in the background.

    And let's do away with police unions while we are at it. They just protect the bad kops and make it more difficult to get rid of them.

    And no, I won't be calling any of you for 'help'. Your kind of help kills people, and animals. I'd rather deal with any criminal than one with a badge.

  11. Actually a cop can order you out of your vehicle.

  12. Duct tape was in order here. Both only needed a few inches to cover their noise makers. I hope they get to continue their yapping in a cell with Bertha and Bulla.

  13. 6:15...only if he has probable cause. ..many cops do not respect the 4th Amendment and the barriers these two fellas pushed could be financially painful to them and their department. As a driver...you do not have to answer any questions. You are merely required to produce your license and registration to a uniform law enforcement officer when detained for a violation. If a cop is forcing you physically. ..he better be locking you up for a crime. Rule number one...don't lay hands on people you're not prepared to arrest.


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