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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Farah: Who Would Oppose Obama 3rd Term?

On Thursday, I raised a question that Americans had only been whispering about among trusted friends: Will Barack Obama leave office in 2017?”

People for the American Way’s “Right Wing Watch” didn’t like it.

I trust that means the group will use all of its influence and legal firepower to oppose any attempt by Obama to subvert the law – though there was no hint of that in its response.

Rush Limbaugh responded to the question Friday when a caller raised the possibility Obama might ignore the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution as he has ignored so many other laws since taking office.

More here


  1. uummmm the 22nd amendment pretty much spells out he cant run or hold the office again

  2. Good luck with that plan commie.

  3. He has to step out for four years and then run again. Rush is an idiot.

  4. This is just stupid. It is only a mean spirited attempt by bullies who know better to frighten and agitate the dumbest people among us.

  5. 1258-Uh...no, you get two, four year Presidential terms in America. That's it.

    This limp-wristed wet noodle of a President isn't going to pull a Putin. We're talking about Obama here folks lol

    1. Uh no....duh. Once a president sits out a term he can run again. That four year break is to insure no dictatorship. Read your history books. Its happened before.

    2. Your just as wrong. The president can complete two four year terms and then still run for vice president. And yes we have had a president that held office not only three terms but four! Dying just into his first year. I believe it was Roosevelt.

  6. I fully expect a Summer of '16 like the one after MLK's assassination. It will be an assault on our police and the martial law Obama worked very hard to define his first eight weeks in office.

    This is also the timeline where the UN Millennium Project for World Socialism is to roll out. The fact our media says nothing about this Marxist paradigm shift and all references to it are bureaucratic hyperbole says to me they are going full steam ahead.

  7. 12:58 partisan lies and deflections have become the norm these days.

    Being a cliche doesn't help the message.

    In Obama we have a self anointed Emperor, not a President.

    I am willing to bet you cheer on his repeated forays into criminal unconstitutional governance.

    1. No. I hate him. Cheer for his death. Do you know what they say about assuming?

  8. Anonymous said...
    uummmm the 22nd amendment pretty much spells out he cant run or hold the office again

    March 10, 2015 at 12:50 PM

    ummmmmm he's trampled all over the constitution already in case you haven't noticed. DUH!!

    1. Let him try. We'll add the 28th amendment to the thick end of a Louisville Slugger.

  9. 2:31 pretty much said the obvious, I think we will be stuck with the emperor.

  10. Plausible scenario: BO runs for VP on ticket with Biden for President. Biden wins then shortly after swearing in resigns due to health reasons thus elevating BO to the Presidency.

  11. uummmmmmm, he will provoke incidents till one rises to the point of what he can call a crisis, then he will declare martial law and 'suspend' elections till 'calm' can be restored.

  12. convicted opiate user rush must be back on oxycodone again.

  13. 246-You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

    1. Maybe. But it was meant to be a joke. I would have thought that was obvious...but like you say. I'm an idiot. Damn everyone is so serious.

  14. 252-Once again, read the 22nd Amendment.

    301-Once again, read the 22nd Amendment. Which was enacted in RESPONSE to FDR...read the Amendment, mental midget.

    Not going to happen folks.

  15. Here is this actual text of the 22nd Amendment. It clearly states ONLY two terms period.
    Passed by Congress March 21, 1947. Ratified February 27, 1951.

    Section 1.
    No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this Article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this Article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this Article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.

    1. OK. We established that already. But you didn't say anything about vice presidency. Hillary/ Obama campaign? Mysterious death of ? In a ?/ Obama campaign? So many people have already died that knew secrets a out Obama, I can see him killing to rise again.

  16. It'll be Michelle Obama, just to drive Hillary crazy again

  17. 3:16 Unlike you I did research before I made my post at 2:52. The 22nd amendment doesn't address the situation if BO was elected as VP than elevated to President. Notice the 22nd refers only to being elected President more than twice. Nothing about being elevated/appointed to the Presidency. The amendment specifically speaks to acting as President prior to being elected as President, but it doesn't address the opposite situation. It would probably have to be settled by the Supreme Court, as was done in Bush/Gore.

  18. Ain't gonna happen. Too many democrats jonesing for the office-Clinton, Biden, the list is long. They would see to it that obama was taken out with one swift bullet to his head and then say he committed suicide.

  19. 634-Actually, the 22nd Amendment does address the fictional situation that you're imagining.

  20. 8:13 Back up your comment with something more than a statement. Explain your thought process. I made specific points about the amendment, you didn't. I could say BO is a woman and have as valid a statement as yours.


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