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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Top 2 U.S. Jobs by Number Employed: Salespersons and Cashiers

(CNSNews.com) – The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reportedWednesday that retail sales clerk and cashier were the two largest occupations in the United States in May 2014, with their numbers increasing slightly since 2013.

In its annual report on wages and occupational employment, the BLS found that 4.6 million Americans worked in retail sales while 3.4 million more worked as cashiers, making up almost six percent of total U.S. employment.

The two job categories increased by a combined 400,000 workers since2012. Retail workers made $24,020 a year on average, while cashiers made $20,670, according to the BLS.



  1. There is absolutely no way a retail worker is making $12/hour.
    I would love to see how many CEO salaries they co-mingled and added into this category.
    And $10 for a cashier?
    Who writes these fairy tales?

  2. I make $7.75 an hour as a cashier with family dollar part time. I wish I could get paid $10.00 an hour as a cashier.


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