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Saturday, March 28, 2015

By slowly killing himself he is saving hundreds of lives every day.

This touching story is about house pets and what happens when they are left behind after a catastrophe. And about a man who put his life on the line to save them.

Known as “the last man in Fukushima,” Naoto Matsumura is the only person who still lives in the strip of land known as the “Death Zone” outside the nuclear reactor in Fukushima. But the reason why he exposes himself daily to the radiation emissions from the ill-fated reactor is heart wrenching.



  1. Replies
    1. Agreed. A special place in heaven awaits him.

  2. This breaks my heart. I can't believe the Japanese govt just abandoned that area and lied to everyone there and the world. Those people are some of the most gracious and caring in the world, and this man proves it. He, those people, and those animals deserve our and the worlds help and sympathy.

  3. 1125-There's no way to help them. Hell, look at Chernobyl. It's abandoned for the next 25K years because of the radioactive waste. Fukushima is no different.


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