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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tide Turns Against Loretta Lynch

WASHINGTON – Loretta Lynch’s bid to become the next attorney general appears to be in big trouble, as a well-placed source on Capitol Hill told WND there are now rumblings that even some Democratic Party senators may oppose her nomination.

The source also said WND’s revelations about Lynch’s ties to terrorists and drug lords are playing a part in the growing opposition to her confirmation.

WND reported on Friday that her nomination was already in serious jeopardy, with her support dwindling to just 50 senators, the bare minimum needed. Vice President Joe Biden would have to break a 50-to-50 tie in the Senate.

But with every passing day, her prospects apparently grow more dim, especially after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., announced on Sunday that Lynch will not get a confirmation vote until GOP differences with Democrats over an anti-human trafficking bill are resolved.

The source told WND the extra time seems to be putting more pressure on holdout Republicans to oppose Lynch.

Just four GOP senators are now prepared to vote in favor of confirming Lynch: Orrin Hatch, R-Utah; Jeff Flake, R-Ariz.; Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.; and Susan Collins, R-Maine.



  1. Vote her in - if you want Holder 2.0 and more rubber stamping of the ongoing failed Oweblama policies!

    As we have already seen - Affirmative Action is a failure!

  2. Just another Obama lackey. Same thoughts and practices as the racist Holder. Just different gender!


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