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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

South Africans perform first 'successful' penis transplant

The world's first successful penis transplant has been reported by a surgical team in South Africa.

The 21-year-old recipient, whose identify is being protected, lost his penis in a botched circumcision.

Doctors in Cape Town said the operation was a success and the patient was happy and healthy.

The team said there was extensive discussion about whether the operation, which is not life-saving in the same way as a heart transplant, was ethical.

There have been attempts before, including one in China. Accounts suggested the operation went fine, but the penis was later rejected.



  1. I hate rejection.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Come on 2 comments. You all can do better than that.

  4. I give up 2:09.Please enlighten us with a better comment.


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