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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

State Dept. Scrubbed From Anti-Bibi Group's Website

TEL AVIV – A non-profit at the center of controversy regarding its campaign to defeat Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Tuesday’s polls has removed the State Department from its website’s list of “partners,” WND has learned.

Above is a snapshot taken by WND last month, which clearly shows the U.S. Department of State, replete with a logo, listed as a “partner” of the OneVoice Movement on the group’s website.

Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine also has a cache image taken in 2014 showing the State Department listed on the same “partner” page.

The State Department logo is missing from the current version of the same page listing OneVoice’s partners.

A OneVoice spokesperson did not immediately return a request seeking comment on the issue.

One Voice is a US.-U.K. non-profit sponsoring V15, a new Israeli political action group leading a get-out-the-vote-organizing drive aimed at replacing Netanyahu’s government with a center-left coalition.

OneVoice’s offices in Tel Aviv are being used as the campaign headquarters for V15′s anti-Netanyahu effort, as WND first reported.

It was OneVoice that reportedly hired 270 Strategies, a consulting firm whose senior leadership is comprised mostly of former top staffers for President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign. 270 Strategies has been consulting in V15′s campaign.

Uri Wollman, V15′s spokesman, told WND last month his group is primarily financed by three private donors, including OneVoice founder Daniel Lubetzky.

Yesterday, Fox News quoted a source revealing a bipartisan U.S. Senate committee with subpoena powers is investigating the possibility the Obama administration may have aided OneVoice’s efforts to defeat Netanyahu via grants from the State Department.

OneVoice received a State Department grant for $350,000.

More on this..

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