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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Former Commander of Md. Gun Licensing Thought Concealed Carry Would Be ‘Scary’ — but Listen to What He’s Now Telling Senate

Speaking before the Maryland Senate last week, a retired Maryland State Police officer and former commander of the Maryland State Police Licensing Division admitted that he once thought the prospect of many residents having concealed carry permits was “scary.” However, as he educated himself about gun owners, his opinion on concealed carry changed.

As the head of the Maryland State Police Licensing Division, Jack McCauley decided what would qualify as a “good and substantial” reason to obtain a handgun permit on a case by case basis. Maryland is a “may issue” state — meaning the ultimate decision on whether to issue a concealed carry permit is left to a government official.

During his remarks to legislators, McCauley described his past feelings towards “Second Amendment activists” and pro-gun advocates:

“These crazy people, these Second Amendment activists, they’re all going to want these, they’re trophies. They’re all going to want these permits, it’s going to be scary. Dangerous people are going to be getting guns. Just any Joe citizen is going to get a gun.”


  1. You should not need a license to conceal carry a firearm. One of the many slices of cake the government has removed from our RIGHTS.

  2. Just what Thomas Jefferson envisioned -- a GOVERNMENT official telling us that we need HIS PERMISSION to use the rights that are already the (supreme) law of the land. The Constitution, by the way, (and this is for all you brainless cheerleaders) was written to LIMIT LIMIT LIMIT government power over its free citizens, NOT give ONE GUY power over everyone.
    He is another egotisical stupid cop. He lived his life and spent his career attempting to impose HIS judgment (by his own admission now, WRONG!) upon law abiding and taxpaying citizens and THWART the Constitution, based on his judgment ALONE. Still cheering?
    "May issue" should be called "WON'T ISSUE". And our Constitution should either be ripped up in public OR be made to be read out loud, in its entirety, by every cop, politician, and lackey government lapdog.
    At LEAST stop having these wanna- be Nazi's swear allegiance to a document they spit on in the normal course of their so-called jobs. Its insulting to "we, the people".
    Heinrich (aka: McCauley) thinks Second Amendment activists are "scary"??? WE think people like him are the REAL scary ones.
    What's next? Some illiterate cop will have to give us his permission to travel freely, or maybe NOT travel freely?
    Here's an idea --- buy, carry, and use whatever gun you like, anytime you like and don't think you need a cop or a politician to say its okay with them. They have forgotten their place. If they choose to come and take them? Show them what they have ALWAYS been intended for, and quote Jefferson while you're at it.
    In the mean time, keep cheering.

  3. Nice of him to grow a pair now that he's not in charge.

  4. Boy am I glad that only these kind of citizens are getting guns. The law will make it illegal for criminals to have guns then.

    God help us if Hillary loses.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Nice of him to grow a pair now that he's not in charge.

    March 17, 2015 at 2:07 PM

    well now, that's one way I didn't look at it from before.

    There are no asterisks on the 2nd amendment. Nowhere does it say someone with a felony, or anything else, cannot possess a firearm. The British probably viewed all of our founding fathers as felons. Depends on your point of view I guess and who is in power.

    When someone has done their time, I thought their 'debt to society' has been paid, not that they have to pay for the rest of their lives.

    Do you know how easy it is for someone to get a felony? Especially in the age and time. This law is wrong and needs to be corrected.

    Thank goodness for jury nullification.

    I'm more worried about repeat violent felons or gang bangers than I am someone who made a stupid mistake at 19 and pays for it the rest of their lives.


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