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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

'Spare Parts' From Aborted Babies

(CNSNews.com) – Live Science reported in January on research being done by scientists at Ganogen, Inc., a biotech company in California, that transplants organs from aborted babies into lab rats with the goal of growing them for use in patients who need organ transplants.

“Researchers say they have developed a new technique that will get more kidneys to people who need transplants, but the method is sure to be controversial: The research shows that it is feasible to remove a kidney from an aborted human fetus, and implant the organ into a rat, where the kidney can grow to a larger size,” the Jan. 21 article stated.

In the article, Eugene Gu, a medical student at Duke University and the founder and CEO of the company, said "Our long-term goal is to grow human organs in animals, to end the human donor shortage.”

Although ending the human donor shortage seems like a noble cause, using aborted babies to solve the problem is not acceptable, according to pro-life activist and former labor and delivery nurse Jill Stanek.

"This is horrific on so many levels,” Stanek told CNSNews.com, calling it “abominable” to take organs from murdered pre-born babies to use in post-born humans.

“It is easy to see where this is heading: toward the day when human beings will be grown in the lab specifically for organ and tissue harvesting,” said Stanek, who has devoted herself to the pro-life cause after witnessing aborted babies who survived being left to die in the hospital where she worked.

More on this..


  1. If the parents are going to abort the pregnancy - allow the life to be used for some good purpose!

  2. This is disgusting. And your comment, 1;06.. as long as the parent is going to murder the baby anyway..

  3. There is a special place in Hell...

  4. 1:25-Given the fact that abortions will always be a reality and show no signs of slowing down,what do you propose to do with the aborted babies?

  5. 2:25 - you beat me to it!


  6. Give them back to the parents to give a proper burial. Just because you have been murdered it doesn't mean you should not get a proper burial. Or here's a real radical idea; STOP MURDERING BABIES, 56 million is mind boggling!

  7. Yeah, I guess you're right, 2:25.
    Grow a liver in a rat, then transplant it into a human.
    But just be sure not to tell the recipient that his/her new liver came from a murdered baby.

    And be REAL sure not to tell PETA that the rat was killed...

  8. 3:04 If the "parents" decide to kill their unborn child, why would you think they would want to give it a proper burial? Ridiculous.

    4:32 Why worry about PETA? Would they be mad that they didn't get to kill the rats first? They are the leading animal kill operation after all.

  9. They're growing a pair of balls right now for Obama.


  10. 2:17 is spot on.

    Dissecting murdered infants for additional post-murder profit. Just when you think we've reached a new low...

    Next they'll be contracting with ISIS to get a steady supply of full grown organs.

    Guess Duke doesn't have an Ethics class as part of their med school.


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