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Sunday, March 08, 2015

SFD: Accidents In Salisbury Today


  1. The major Salisbury accident was on the southbound lane of the bypass a 1/2 mile past the Rt. 13 overpass.

    There were 12 to 15 cars scattered in the median, down in the ditch, even across into the northbound lane. A State Trooper was rear ended as well... hope all is safe.

    Black ice... slow down during the sub-32 degree rainy weather... Very scary when you lose control of your vehicle.


  2. Oh yea... stopped by the State Police barracks about blocking off the northbound on ramp. Saw drivers speeding to get on the bypass only to come to a stop a 1/2 mile down the road due to traffic back-up.

    The officer on duty said he had 4 troopers in the area and called others in to help. He said in 22 years he had never seen anything like it in our area.

  3. People need to adjust their driving to fit the road conditions.

  4. Too late for them 4:10,but maybe they can teach their children how to drive in an increasingly colder climate.

  5. Since there was not a forecast for an ice storm, here, I am sure it caught a lot of people off guard.

    I can't wait to criticize you when you have an accident. You fools act like it was intentional.

    Hey look .. freezing rain... lets go have an accident and crash the car and injure ourselves and/or others.


  6. For sale, several used cars...

  7. 5:57 How about having some common sense and check the weather before you venture out.

  8. 5:57 What a stupid statement by you. In any situation you need to be aware of the conditions around you, including the weather. Calling me a troll because I am aware of the environment around me or my journey or destination, makes you a complete moron.

  9. 557 has never been to common sense school. I'll bet she has an outside thermometer in her minivan telling her that temp is below 32 and sees rain out the windshield and walked across frozen ground to get in her vehicle.She probably slipped on ice on pavement getting there.

    Now she blames some weather service for not giving proper warning. This is just plain hilarious!

  10. 5:57--
    Or just know-it-alls, LOL!

  11. 5:57 yes there was a forecast and a weather advisory posted this morning about 10:00am by the National Weather Service, only kids and fools believe what the local tv stations have to say! Weather channel avoids this area like the plague unless a hurricane is coming! I have found NOAA @ weather.gov to be the most accurate source for local weather information!

  12. 6:4 6:49, 7:00 whom all seem to be the same person. How do I know that? Same trolling response indicating problems with reading and comprehension. (It's either that or there are a lot of extremely ignorant idiots in this town.)

    5:57 did not say they were not aware of their surroundings, conditions or weather. Nor did they indicate that they drove a mini van or even had an accident.

    The only true and logical statement they made was..
    The forecast was wrong, which caught a lot of people off guard.

    With that said, I fail to understand your ranting outlandish ignorant comments.

    There are a lot of really ugly narrow small minded people in this town.

  13. I was coming back from OC this morning and the road conditions changed in different places. The road was mostly wet but yes there were a few places that were slick. My vehicle doesn't have a thermometer on it so I had no idea what the temp was outside.

  14. Every time I read the comments, I say to my self; are these comments a true reflection of the hate and ignorance that consumes this community?

    No wonder this place is viewed as the sewer of E MD.

  15. 7:30 - by that time most people were already either in church or out and about and missed the forecast.
    So that was your point?
    The forecast I saw was 38-40F and raining.
    So why with that forecast would I think there was going to be an ice storm. I left the house before 8 AM - so that 10 AM warning would have been meaningless to me.

  16. 7:30
    I do not get the weather channel and have to rely on the local forecasters.
    So much for your theory on that.

    Just more from the finger pointing non thinking trolls around here.

    When I left the house it was fine, when I got out of church it was not. What's your point?

  17. 7:40 WHAT you do not have a mini van with a thermometer in it!? What is wrong with you!
    How could you possibly know the road conditions if you do not have a thermometer. How dare you leave the house and risk others lives without the proper equipment!
    You better run right out and get the problem fixed.

  18. OMG how stupid of me to not spend an hour googling every weather site and compiling and analyzing what each and everyone of them has to say.

    I just willy nilly left the house to do errands.

    Thank god we do not have tornado's. I can not imagine what you trolls would say if someone got caught up in one of those because they did not have a weather center in their mini van predicting every possible weather moment of their day!

  19. It never ceases to amaze me the amount of people that sit on there asses scrolling the internet looking for things to critize. How would you like it..if it was you or your family involved in this mornings incident and someone was quick to call you or them a dumbass. How bout this get off your ass and go to work and you might find out how things are out in the real world!

  20. 7:51
    I hope that was sarcasm. I was at AGH last night with a family member. I wasn't on the roads by choice. No I don't own a mini van. I have one of those big ole SUVs and no I don't drive like an idiot with it when the conditions are bad....or any other time for that matter. When the water on the windshield goes from water to ice and the water from the tires stop splashing....you know it is not good.

  21. 8:03 yes it was sarcasm.
    Be safe and I hope your family member is ok.

  22. where are the salt trucks? at the accident scene on Union Church Road they made a comment that the fire department were having difficulties getting to the scene and wanted the salt trucks there.

    rain or no rain, they need to be salting, more than once.

  23. Good Lord. When I go out to my car when freezing rain is falling in frozen ground which has been frozen for more than 3 weeks, and I'm slipping and sliding walking to the car, I need a weather forecaster to tell me the roads might be slick because I do not have the ability to figure that out for myself.

    Why can't you all understand that simple fact?

    If no one tells me it may be dangerous out there, how the heck am I supposed to know>


  24. One needn't have a forecast to know when an icy rain hits the ground.

  25. The main trick is to go slow.

    If the weather said it was nice and warm and you go out and fine freezing rain then you know to take it slow. I mean like 25 to 30Mph.

    A slow pace may take you longer to get to your destination but at least you will get there.

    The problem I see if drivers who find a nice patch of road and speed up and then hit another ice patch at that speed and lose control.

    If you know its icy out then no matter how nice the road is your currently driving on you must remain cautious because it is certain that another icy patch is waiting just up the road and you don't want to hit those going the normal speed limit.

    Also people in Pickup trucks and 4 wheel drives need to learn that just because they have those vehicles it does not mean they can go faster.

    In fact a pickup truck is very light in the back end and can lose control quickly.


  26. Hey upper Management of
    State Highway Administration...

    Someone needs to watch the weather rather so you can put some personnel on the road. You should re-read the 2nd message.

    The State Trooper at the barracks said he had all officers at 50 some accident scenes in Wicomico & Worcester County vicinity.

    Here's the clincher... no SHA vehicles or dump trucks in the area who had to be called in to work.

    SHA... WATCH the Weather reports and NOT Dan Satterfield's forecast. The guy needs to go.

  27. another trip to kellys collision

  28. The route 50 bypass looks like a auto junkyard, there are so many bumpers, headlights, nuts, bolts, and hubcaps out there. It looks like a bumper car zone.


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