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Sunday, March 08, 2015

Salisbury Bypass Shut Down

In the very least, the south bound portion of the Bypass is closed down due to a large volume of accidents. 


  1. People have no sense when the temp is 27 and raining and doing 65.

  2. 11:38 I agree, you can't out run a storm-heavy rain, sleet, snow.

  3. People in this era have no sense , period.
    Go to the general and get insurance.

  4. Hmmm! Doesn't common sense dictate to drive according to the weather conditions?

  5. That is the main problem today is the lacking of common sense in the populos. That is why we have warning labels on ush mowers saying do not pick it up while running...etc.! it is a shame that common sense can not be taught if it could it should be madatory for four years or more!

  6. Why d0n,t thet stay home and read a book. O yes, they did not learn to read in school any more and their high tech machines have dead batteries so they rush to go and buy new ones. ACCIDENT and now NO CAR. MY MY.

  7. hope all is okay

  8. I travelled south on the By-Pass around 10:30 a.m., the temperature on my car thermometer was 26 degrees. The windshield was covered with ice, the roads were frozen in spots. Travelling at less than 40mph it was as though I was standing still, cars zipping past me at or above the 65mph limit. I am sure the road became worse shortly after because the ice was beginning to cover the road everywhere.

  9. You people don't have common sence no matter how fast your driving if you tap the brakes your still gonna slide no matter how hard you try

    1. That would be *sense* (apparently not so common in YOUR case either.) Also, the correct use of YOU'RE would be nice in your 5th grade level composition of a sentence. Next time you try to insult somebody, please make sure you don't look like an a** first!

  10. Just smile as they go by you 12:36. You'll see the, again.....sooner than you think. Lol

  11. Global Warming supporter/Peace in the ParkMarch 1, 2015 at 2:41 PM

    King Obama will raise GAS PRICES AGAIN....that will Stop this stuff from occurring...We worship

  12. 12:36 yes it got allot worse and they had a many car incident as someone had just tagged a state marked car. Felt sorry for the guy who took out the sign as I thought he might have made it through.

  13. people cannot spell either.

  14. 12:55 Unfortunately the instinct for most "drivers" when they start to slide is to hit the brakes. Of course that is the worst thing you can do. Of course most "drivers" aren't drivers they are just motor vehicle operators.

  15. My favorite excuse: "But I have 4-wheel drive I should be able to drive the speed limit right?" The worst thing that ever happened to winter driving was the SUV they have caused more accidents & taken more lives in snow/ice driving conditions than anything else out there!

  16. What has happened to this world ! Only one person commented well wishing everyone's safety and the rest of you have been nothing but judgmental

  17. 4:47 because they are too stupid to realize that when I went to church it was not raining, but when I got out it was. And I am sure it was like that for a lot of people.
    Caught me by surprise because I did not see it forecasted to be like this.

    I do not know why they had the audacity to think, that I arbitrarily decided to go for a ride once I noticed it was freezing rain.

    I did make it home safe, thank you. I remained home for the rest of the day.

  18. 447, we hate everybody, even you well wishers! It's more fun!

    /sarc off. LOL!

  19. 6:24 - bottomfeeder

  20. People really have no common sense. And lack of driving skills. When you get snow or Ice ya slow it down.

  21. Warp drive Mr Sulu.

  22. I'm surprised by the number of people who don't listen to weather reports or even look outside before they leave home. If you would have just checked the temperature, you would have known that the rain they called for would not be liquid until much later in the day. Then maybe they would have adjusted their driving.

  23. 6:57 back again giving spelling lessons?
    If you do not have any commentary that is directly related to the article, how about you simply STFU.
    What a pathetic sad little life you must lead.

  24. Recently had a FedEx driver tailgating in poor weather conditions. Tried to get vehicle identification to report, but could not. No number on rear of truck took picture of tag at stop light but it did not come out clear. It was his lucky day.


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