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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Senate Committee Rejects Hogan's "Rain Tax" Bill

Gov. Larry Hogan says he is confident Maryland's mandated "rain tax" will soon be dried up, even though a Senate committee on Tuesday rejected his bill to repeal storm water management fees.

Hogan told reporters Tuesday that it doesn't matter to him "who gets the credit or whose name is on the bill."

"We're just happy we're actually going to repeal the rain tax," Hogan said. "I was elected mainly on this issue and the Senate president agrees with us. The bills essentially do the same thing. It's not surprising his bill is more popular than mine, cause it has his name on it instead of mine."

Hogan was talking about Sen. President Thomas V. Mike Miller's bill to end the mandatory fees.



  1. It is really refreshing to hear him say the he doesn't care whose name is on the bill - as long as it passes for his signature.

    The will of the people has been heard and is being heeded...is what really matters!

  2. Gov Hogan is a true leader, someone who wants to get the right thing done regardless of feeding his ego, sort of the opposite of OweMalley.

  3. Miller and Bush will never agree to appealing this tax. That is extra money for their districts. This tax keeps fees low for the citizens in their district for expensive updating of their drainage system.
    Why make all Marylanders pay for their local expensive projects.
    My question is why do they take money from the Shore to cover their wants and needs? We have to pay for our own by higher taxes and fees from the City and County.
    "Where is the FAIR SHARE"?

  4. Things won't change in MD until we vote out the dems. But as we know, most votes are in Balt and DC suburbs.

  5. Lets decide at the ballot.


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